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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. 4-H News and Notes: June 14, 016

    June Link Newsletter, Welcome New 4-H Program Assistant Nicole Swavel, 4-H Fun Fair Volunteers Needed and Extra Raffle Tickets Available, Marcia Brueck's Retirement Open House- June 24th, Tuesday Night Summer Horse Fun Shows, State Fair Livestock Ent ...

  2. 2015 4-H Project Deadline Reminders

    the Extension office (either in writing or by phone) by June 1st. This includes correcting a member’s ... 1st with a breeding sheep, but intended to sign up for a market lamb is able to contact the Extension ...

  3. CFAES SAC Summer Professional Development Series- Emotional Intelligence for Everyday Success

    Emotional Intelligence for Everyday Success with Dr. Jeff King Tuesday, June 26, 11:30-1:00pm Columbus Campus- 250A Agricultural Administration Wooster Campus- 200 FABE Emotional intelligence addresses the emotional, personal, social and survival dimensio ...

  4. Leadership Compass

    “If knowing yourself and being yourself were as easy to do as to talk about, there wouldn't be nearly so many people walking around in borrowed postures, spouting secondhand ideas, trying desperately to fit in rather than to stand out.”- Warren G. Be ...

  5. Pond School

    Download Registration Form Here. ...

  6. CHAIRE Presents an Evening with Jack Hanna

    Please join us for an enjoyable evening featuring Jack Hanna and animals from the Columbus Zoo & Aquarium! The evening includes an introduction to CHAIRE, a plated dinner, and of course, a presentation by Jack featuring animals from the Columbus Zoo & ...

  7. Brianna Gwirtz: Ag Communication


  8. Rattan Lal: Early Life and Path to Ohio State


  9. More Than Safe


  10. CFAES Student Farm: Who We Are

