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Endangered Species Act
Ohio 4-H Cloverbud Kits Provide a Teaching Tool for 4-H Volunteers
Fun.” Contact the extension office for availability. ...
SEAC and OARDC Annual Meeting
Annual meeting of the State Extension Advisory Committee and the OARDC Advisory Committee in the ...
Inclusive Excellence Training- Staff Positions
These one-hour Zoom trainings focus on best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for open staff or faculty positions. Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applicants. ...
2015 4-H Enrollment Deadline
have time to go through them, alphabetize them, and prepare to submit them to the Extension Office by ...
Ohio Agricultural Law Blog--Did you know? Ohio’s agritourism immunity law extends to many farm-based activities
Blog Subscriptions ...
Forage Quality and Crop Field Day
For Registration Information, click HERE Ever wondered how to determine forage quality or how to harvest for optimum quality on your farm? Or maybe you’d like to learn more about the crops you have growing in your fields. Either way, join us for a field ...
Extension Office Closed for Independence Day
Sweet Garden Treats- Annual Garden Open House
Treats for the eyes have zero calories, and you can indulge as much as you want at Ohio State ATI's 2018 Garden Open House. Chocolate-covered cherries, peach parfait, cotton candy, and lemon meringue pie are just a few of the yummy desserts that are ...
Sweet Garden Treats- Annual Garden Open House
Treats for the eyes have zero calories, and you can indulge as much as you want at Ohio State ATI's 2018 Garden Open House. Chocolate-covered cherries, peach parfait, cotton candy, and lemon meringue pie are just a few of the yummy desserts that are ...