CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Shah lab meeting

    Room 100 (Wooster) Amit Timilsina LJ Monday, October 21, 2024- 3:00pm to 5:15pm ...

  2. SAS UNIFY Meeting

    202 Shearer kw Wednesday, November 6, 2024- 10:00am to 11:00am ...

  3. FABE National rankings

    Read the story Read the feature story Ohio State FABE ranked 12th nationally in Biological ...

  4. 4-H Hot Topics

    What is Hot Topcs? We talk about a particular topic area(s) more in-depth and will have a component where 4-H professionals can share ideas and have an opportunity to chat. We will also have necessary announcements. This is optional to attend.  ...

  5. 4-H Hot Topics

    What is Hot Topcs? We talk about a particular topic area(s) more in-depth and will have a component where 4-H professionals can share ideas and have an opportunity to chat. We will also have necessary announcements.  This is optional to attend.  ...

  6. 4-H Hot Topics

    What is Hot Topcs? We talk about a particular topic area(s) more in-depth and will have a component where 4-H professionals can share ideas and have an opportunity to chat. We will also have necessary announcements. This is optional to attend.  ...

  7. 4-H Hot Topics

    What is Hot Topcs? We talk about a particular topic area(s) more in-depth and will have a component where 4-H professionals can share ideas and have an opportunity to chat. We will also have necessary announcements. This is optional to attend.  ...

  8. 4-H Hot Topics

    What is Hot Topcs? We talk about a particular topic area(s) more in-depth and will have a component where 4-H professionals can share ideas and have an opportunity to chat. We will also have necessary announcements. This is optional to attend.  ...

  9. 4-H Hot Topics

    What is Hot Topcs? We talk about a particular topic area(s) more in-depth and will have a component where 4-H professionals can share ideas and have an opportunity to chat. We will also have necessary announcements.  This is optional to attend.  ...

  10. 4-H Hot Topics

    What is Hot Topcs? We talk about a particular topic area(s) more in-depth and will have a component where 4-H professionals can share ideas and have an opportunity to chat. We will also have necessary announcements. This is optional to attend.  ...
