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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Soybean Inoculant Effectiveness on Retired CRP Land

    Soybean Inoculant Effectiveness on Retired CRP Land.pdf 1999 Soybean Soybean Soybean Planting hancock Blount seed treatment ...

  2. Strip Tillage and Fertilizer Timing Effects on Corn

    Strip Tillage and Fertilizer Timing Effects on Corn.pdf 2000 Corn Corn Equipment and Tillage Corn Fertility 2000 Henry Millgrove Hoytville Nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium tillage ...

  3. Supplemental Nitrogen on Soybeans

    Supplemental Nitrogen on Soybeans.pdf 2000 Soybean 2000 Van Wert Soybean Soybean Fertility Hoytville Nitrogen ...

  4. T-22 Biological Fungicide for Corn

    T-22 Biological Fungicide for Corn.pdf 2000 Corn Corn Corn Disease 2000 Morrow Chili seed treatment ...

  5. Effects of Seeding Rate on White Mold in Soybeans

    The Effects of Seeding Rate on White Mold in Soybeans.pdf 2000 Soybean Soybean Soybean Disease Soybean Planting 2000 Putnam Colwood Lenawee population seeding rate ...

  6. Reduced Rates of Herbicides in Normal Soybeans (2)

    1997 Reduced Rates of Herbicides in Normal Soybeans2.pdf 1997 Soybean Soybean Soybean Weeds 1997 Morrow Bennington Silt Loam herbicide pressure ...

  7. Reduced Rates of Herbicides in Normal Soybeans (1)

    1997 Reduced Rates of Herbicides in Normal Soybeans1.pdf 1997 Soybean Soybean Soybean Weeds 1997 Greene Celina Silt Loam herbicides pressure ...

  8. Seeding and Nitrogen Rate Effects on Wheat Yield

    Seeding and Nitrogen Rate Effects on Wheat Yield.pdf 1997 Small Grain Production Small Grain Production Wheat Planting Wheat Fertility 1997 Darke Miami pH fertilizer herbicide Nitrogen N ...

  9. Soil Temperature Effects on No-Till Corn Emergence and Yield in Wheat Residue

    Soil Temperature Effects on No-Till Corn Emergence and Yield in Wheat Residue.pdf 1997 Corn Corn Corn Planting 1997 Fayette Crosby pH herbicide soil temperature emergence ...

  10. Soybean Plow Down Nitrogen

    Soybean Plow Down Nitrogen.pdf 1997 Corn Soybean Corn Fertility Corn Nitrogen herbicide maturity tillage ...
