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Investigations in Population, Place and the Environment: Social Lawn Art
Investigations in Population, Place and the Environment presented by Dr. Kerry Ard, School of Environment and Natural Resources and Jacklyn Brickman, MFA Candidate, Department of Art Art, Therapy Dogs, Cazuelas Food Truck, Register to Vote ...
Chelsea Crosby- Graduate Exit Seminar
Please plan to attend Chelsea Crosby's Graduate Exit Seminar on Thursday, April 5th, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. in the ORWRP Classroom (Wetlands, 352 W. Dodridge St.) Chelsea will be presenting, "The Role of Individual Learning and Dietary Preference in ...
Bryce T. Adams- Doctoral Scholarly Seminar
Please plan to attend Bryce T. Adams's doctoral scholarly seminar on Wed. April 4th, 2018 at 11:30am in 333 Kottman Hall. He will be presenting Composition vs. Physiognomy of the Vegetation for the Species Composition of Faunal Assemblages. Determin ...
Honors Thesis Defense- Ashlee Balcerzak
Ashlee Balcerzak Environmental Science, Water Science Advisor: Dr. Steven Lower The Use of Magnetotactic Bacteria to Remove Phosphorus from Eutrophic Conditions Eutrophication or excess nutrients in rivers and lakes is a problem in the Midwest commonly ca ...
Honors Thesis Defense- Krystal Pocock
Krystal Pocock Environmental Science Advisor: Dr. Lauren Pintor The Role of Taxonomic Verses Functional Macroinvertebrate Diversity Indices as Indicators of Nutrient Pollution in Ohio Streams Nutrient pollution of United States surface waters has been ste ...
Honors Thesis Defense- Sophie Chang
Sophie Chang Environment Economy Development and Sustainability Advisor: Jeremy Brooks The Impact of Collaborative Consumption on the Environmental Efficiency of Well-Being (EWEB) of Residents in Columbus, Ohio Collaborative consumption is comprised of “b ...
Honors Thesis Defense- Olivia Carros
Olivia Carros Environmental Policy and Decision Making Advisor: Dr. Robin Wilson Promoting Cover Crop Adoption to Improve Water Quality in Agricultural Landscapes Nutrient loading and associated algal blooms resulting from agricultural runoff are a pressi ...
Honors Thesis Defense- Kathryn Brown
Kathryn Brown Environmental Science Advisor: Dr. Kerry Ard The Moderating Effect of Stress on the Relationship Between Air Pollution and Self-Rated Health in Minorities Minorities have long been discriminated against in the United States, and redlining po ...
Wayne Co. Extension Rory Lewandowski
Room 100 (Wooster) Thursday, October 19, 2017- 9:00am to 3:00pm ...
McSpadden Gardener lab page 1
to success, students are also encouraged to work and communicate extensively with their peers and ... other experts who can help them achieve success in their research projects. At OSU, I contribute to ...