CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Digging Deeper into Human-Animal Connections


  2. Appalachian Table: Where Local Food Producers and Buyers Meet

    Food Producers and Buyers Meet event at the OSU South Centers in Piketon. If you are a local producer ...

  3. Highlights from the Dean’s Charity Steer Show


  4. Sustainable secret to knee-high corn and gardens galore: Human waste-based compost


  5. VP McPheron speaks at OSU Extension Annual Conference

    Vice President and Dean Bruce McPheron speaks at Ohio State University Extension Annual Conference ...

  6. EQ: Don't be a Sheldon online

    “What really matters for success, character, happiness and lifelong achievements is a definite set of emotional skills – your EQ — not just purely cognitive abilities that are measured by conventional IQ tests.” — Daniel Goleman What is Emotional Intellig ...

  7. Leadership Institute: Effective Coaching and Emotional Intelligence

    Over the past decade a growing body of literature has documented the importance of social and emotional effectiveness as well as effective coaching (how we take good people and make them the best they can be) and feedback skills.  As leaders face times of ...

  8. Communication and Conflict

    What is your change style preference? Would you be an originator? A conserver? Or would you find yourself in the pragmatist category? Which category would my team members fall? Does it matter? Yes it does...knowing our tendencies and understanding their r ...

  9. Woodland Pollinators

    well-known- pollinator habitat.  In this day-long workshop, we will explore the woodlands around the OSU ...

  10. CFAES and EEOB Graduate Student Support Group

    Are you a current or incoming graduate student looking for a supportive community during this stage in your academic career? The CFAES and EEOB Graduate Student Support Group* serves as a safe and confidential network to help graduate students manage the ...
