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The East Asian Studies Center is proud to present a free screening of Zhao Liang's 2015 lyrical documentary, Behemoth. The film will be accompanied by a special introduction on Chinese documentary film by Professor Kirk Denton, Department of East Asi ...
Changes in attitudes toward animals in the United States from 1978 to 2014
George, Kelly A., Kristina M. Slagle, Robyn S. Wilson, Steven J. Moeller and Jeremy T. Bruskotter. 2016. Changes in attitudes toward animals in the United States from 1978 to 2014. Biological Conservation 201:237-242. Robyn S. Wilson Jeremy T. Bruskotte ...
Riverine landscape patches influence trophic dynamics of riparian ants
Tagwireyi, P. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2016. Riverine landscape patches influence trophic dynamics of riparian ants. River Research and Applications 32(8):1721-1729. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article Sunday, October 2, 2016 ...
Simulating yield potential by irrigation and yield gap of rainfed soybean using APEX model in a humid region
Zhang, B.B., G. Feng, X.B. Kong, R. Lal, Y. Ouyang, A. Adeli and J.N. Jenkins. 2016. Simulating yield potential by irrigation and yield gap of rainfed soybean using APEX model in a humid region. Agricultural Water Management 177:443-453. Rattan Lal Journa ...
Can highly weathered soils under conservation agriculture be C saturated?
Briedis, C., J.C.D. Sa, R. Lal, F. Tivet, A.D. Ferreira, J.C. Franchini, R. Schimiguel, D.D. Hartman and J.Z. dos Santos. 2016. Can highly weathered soils under conservation agriculture be C saturated? CATENA 147:638-649. Rattan Lal Journal article Thurs ...
TWEL Andrew Vitz Thesis
molt, or extensive body molt (>25% of body) indicating completion of nesting were identified as ...
Wildlife research presented at annual conference
Wildlife professionals from across the nation gathered in Raleigh, North Carolina to engage in wildlife science and management educational opportunities, participate in field trips and workshops, and network with peers, mentors and colleagues. School of E ...
SENR Seminar: Is there a Role for Restoration
Nyamai, Doctoral Candidate, Environment and Natural Resources at OSU. Her presentation, Is there a Role ...
Healthy Soil, Healthy Future
The Initiative for Food and Agricultural Transformation, part of the Discovery Themes at Ohio State, invite you to attend "Healthy Soil, Healthy Future" in 3150 Smith Lab. ...
Kristen Towne's Graduate Defense Seminar
A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Kristen Towne, MS Candidate in Fisheries and Wildlife Science. Her presentation will be "Sex Reversal in Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) to Produce Functional Neomale Sperm Donors" in 333C Kottman ...