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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Managing Multiple Generation (online)

    How are you managing the multi-generational workplace? The American workforce is much more diverse today than ever before in history, with the age range of employees spanning 60 years. Each generation has its own unique values and behavior which can somet ...

  2. NCFDD Webinar: Core Curriculum Skill: Strategies for Dealing with Stress, Rejection, and the Haters in Your Midst


  3. Inclusive Excellence Training for Staff

    This one-hour training provides an overview of best practices for ensuring all reasonable efforts to attract a diverse candidate pool for faculty and staff positions.  Participants will examine the role that implicit bias often plays in screening applican ...

  4. OSU Hops Conference & Trade Show

    Save the Date!  More Details to Come! ...

  5. Herd Management

    allow time to download) 2013 Ohio Feedlot Short Course with Francis L. Fluharty, Research Professor, OSU ...

  6. iAGRI: Emmanuel Mgonja's Story

    Emmanuel Mgonja is a research scientist from Tanzania enrolled as a PhD student in Plant Pathology at The Ohio State University. Emmanuel is studying the fungal pathogen rice blast, which is the major pathogen that affects rice. Working to develop resista ...

  7. Why farmers come to the Farm Science Review


  8. Why biomaterials science matters


  9. Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

    “ Success in life, in anything, depends upon the number of persons that one can make himself agreeable to.”-Thomas Carlyle Working relationships are improved when you know and understand your personality style. Why? Because it helps you understand your be ...

  10. DISCflex Online Workshop

    The foundation of personal and professional success lies in understanding self, understanding others and realizing the impact of personal behavior on the people around you. DISC provides an insight into an individual’s style that can help predict the like ...
