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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Roundup Ready Soybeans vs. Conventional Soybeans

    Roundup Ready Soybeans vs. Conventional Soybeans.pdf 1998 Soybean Soybean 1998 Marion Milford herbicide Performance Test ...

  2. Row Starter Compared to Broadcast Fertilizer on Corn

    Row Starter Compared to Broadcast Fertilizer on Corn.pdf 1998 Corn Corn Corn Fertility 1998 Darke Miami (soil type) equipment ...

  3. Soybean Fungicide and Inoculant Evaluation

    Soybean Fungicide and Inoculant Evaluation.pdf 1998 Soybean Soybean Soybean Planting 1998 Defiance Roselm Paulding (soil type) Soybean Disease seed treatment fungicide ...

  4. Soybean Inoculant Trial

    Soybean Inoculant Trial.pdf 1998 Soybean Soybean Soybean Planting 1998 Allen seed treatment ...

  5. Soybean Residue: Tillage System Impact on Planting Time Soil Conditions and Corn Yield

    Soybean Residue Tillage System Impact on Planting Time Soil Conditions and Corn Yield.pdf 1998 Corn Corn Equipment and Tillage Corn Planting 1998 Wood Hoytville tillage ...

  6. The Effect of Crop Rotation on Soybean Cyst Nematode Management

    The Effect of Crop Rotation on Soybean Cyst Nematode Management.pdf 1998 Soybean Soybean Soybean Disease 1998 Henry Millgrove crop rotation ...

  7. The Effect of Granulite Sludge on Nitrogen Rates for Corn

    The Effect of Granulite Sludge on Nitrogen Rates for Corn.pdf 1998 Corn Corn Corn Fertility 1998 Henry Millgrove Nitrogen ...

  8. The Effect of Urea on Soybean Yield at R1.2

    The Effect of Urea on Soybean Yield at R1.2.pdf 1998 Soybean Soybean Soybean Fertility 1998 Crawford Pewamo Nitrogen ...

  9. Wheat Residue: Tillage System Impact on Planting Time Soil Conditions and Corn Yield

    Wheat Residue Tillage System Impact on Planting Time Soil Conditions and Corn Yield.pdf 1998 Corn Corn Equipment and Tillage Corn Planting 1998 Wood Hoytville tillage ...

  10. Stability of Soil Test Levels in a Grid Soil Test System

    Stability of Soil Test Levels in a Grid Soil Test System.pdf 1999 Nutrient Management Nutrient Management Crawford Pewamo drainage tillage pH phosphorus Potassium ...
