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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. News: Faculty, staff honored for service, scholarship, teaching and advising

    Ohio State ATI held its annual faculty/staff recognition event on April 21. The following were honored: Oustanding Staff Award — Connie Miller, administrative assistant, horticulture Outstanding Advising Award — Mike Amstutz, livestock science Distinguish ...

  2. Nathan Lee's Graduate Exit Seminar

    Nathan Lee will present  Long-Term Glyphosate Effects on Roundup Ready Soybean Rhizosphere Microorganisms  Friday, May 4th at 9am in 333C Kottman Hall. Glyphosate's widespread usage in partnership with Roundup ready crops has increased concern of unk ...

  3. The energetic contributions of aquatic primary producers to terrestrial food webs in a mid-size river system

    Kautza, A. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2016. The energetic contributions of aquatic primary producers to terrestrial food webs in a mid-size river system.  Ecology. 97: 694-705. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...

  4. Anthropogenic and natural determinants of fish food-chain length in a mid-size river system.

    Kautza, A. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2016. Anthropogenic and natural determinants of fish food-chain length in a mid-size river system.  Freshwater Science. 35: 895-908. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...

  5. Fluvial geomorphology and aquatic-to-terrestrial Hg export are weakly coupled in small urban streams of Columbus, Ohio.

    Sullivan, S.M.P., Boaz, L.E., and K. Hossler. 2016. Fluvial geomorphology and aquatic-to-terrestrial Hg export are weakly coupled in small urban streams of Columbus, Ohio.  Water Resources Research. 52: 2822-2839. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...

  6. Dam removal disturbance leads to seasonally distinct taxonomic and functional shifts in macroinvertebrate communities

    Sullivan, S.M.P., and D.W.P. Manning. 2017. Dam removal disturbance leads to seasonally distinct taxonomic and functional shifts in macroinvertebrate communities.  PeerJ.  5:e3189; DOI 10.7717/peerj.3189. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...

  7. Associations between riverine landscape patches and internal and external environmental determinants are scale dependent

    Tagwireyi, P., Sullivan, S.M.P., and K. Zhao. 2017. Associations between riverine landscape patches and internal and external environmental determinants are scale-dependent: evidence from the Scioto River, USA. Fundamental and Applied Limnology  190: 235- ...

  8. Reductions in fish-community contamination following lowhead dam removal linked more to shifts in food-web structure than sediment pollution.

    Davis, R.P., Sullivan, S.M.P, and K. Stefanik. 2017. Reductions in fish-community contamination following lowhead dam removal linked more to shifts in food-web structure than sediment pollution.  Environmental Pollution  231: 671-680. Mažeika Sullivan Jou ...

  9. Extension Workshop

    200 (Wooster) Abby Schnieider- 740-253-0181 Local people attedning Panera Bread catering Tuesday, December 5, 2017- 8:00am to 2:00pm ...

  10. Extension Workshop

    200 (Wooster) Abby Schnieider- 740-253-0181 Local people attedning Panera Bread catering Monday, December 4, 2017- 8:00am to 5:00pm ...
