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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. OSU Climate Change Webinar

      Participate in the OSU Climate Change Webinar on Predicting Carbon Storage of Great Lakes ... Forests in the Year 2050 with Peter Curtis, OSU Professor of Ecology. Forests across North-Central and ...

  2. CANCELLED-- Extension faculty fall meeting


  3. Modification of an existing in vitro method to predict relative bioavailable arsenic in soils

    Whitacre, S., N. Basta, B. Stevens, V. Hanley, R. Anderson and K. Scheckel. 2017. Modification of an existing in vitro method to predict relative bioavailable arsenic in soils. Chemosphere 180:545-552. Nicholas Basta Shane Whitacre Journal article Monday, ...

  4. SENR Seminar Series

    The SENR Seminar Series welcomes David Kraybill, Professor, OSU CFAES Department of Agricultural, ...

  5. #WhySeaGrant: Eugene Braig

    Ohio Sea Grant's Stone Laboratory is host to a variety of professional development workshops each year, including one that covers the fish sampling techniques used by the Ohio Division of Wildlife and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency. Those s ...

  6. Article highlight's faculty role in Ohio State's future

    Associate Professor Brian Lower was one of two faculty members introduced to university trustees by Executive Vice President and Provost Bruce A. McPheron as exemplary faculty at Ohio State leading the way to improving the lives of new students and using ...

  7. Effects of optimized N fertilization on greenhouse gas emission and crop production in the North China Plain

    Tan, Y.C., C. Xu, D.X. Liu, W.L. Wu, R. Lal and F.Q. Meng. 2017. Effects of optimized N fertilization on greenhouse gas emission and crop production in the North China Plain. Field Crops Research 205:135-146. Rattan Lal Journal article Saturday, April 15, ...

  8. Comparison of conventional and conservation rice-wheat systems in Punjab, Pakistan

    Nawaz, A., M. Farooq, R. Lal, A. Rehman and Hafeez-ur-Rehman. 2017. Comparison of conventional and conservation rice-wheat systems in Punjab, Pakistan. Soil and Tillage Research 169:35-43. Rattan Lal Journal article Thursday, June 15, 2017 ...

  9. Relative importance of abiotic, biotic, and disturbance drivers of plant community structure in the sagebrush steppe

    Mitchell, Rachel M., Jonathan D. Bakker, John B. Vincent and G. Matt Davies. 2017.  Relative importance of abiotic, biotic, and disturbance drivers of plant community structure in the sagebrush steppe. Ecological Applications 27(3):756-768. G. Matthew Dav ...

  10. Experimental and field evaluation of otolith strontium as a marker to discriminate between river-spawning populations of walleye in Lake Erie

    Chen, K.Y.,  S.A. Ludsin, M.M. Corey, P.D. Collingsworth, M.K. Nims, J.W. Olesik, K. Dabrowski, J.J. van Tassell and E.A. Marschall. 2017. Experimental and field evaluation of otolith strontium as a marker to discriminate between river-spawning population ...
