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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Sustainability NOW! Central Ohio Youth Leadership Summit on the Environment

    Dodridge St., Columbus, Ohio, north of the OSU campus.       ...

  2. Responses of riparian tetragnathid spiders to wildfire in forested ecosystems of the California Mediterranean climate region, USA

    Jackson, Breeanne K. and S. Mazeika P. Sullivan. 2015.  Responses of riparian tetragnathid spiders to wildfire in forested ecosystems of the California Mediterranean climate region, USA.  Freshwater Science  34(4):1542-1557. doi: 10.1086/683682. Mažeika S ...

  3. Power of the Pollinators Open House

    Would you like to learn more about Ohio's pollinators and how to help them? Stop by this free event and get all your questions answered while enjoying snacks and conversations with experts. You can learn even more by attending any or all of the follo ...

  4. MORPC 2017 Summit on Sustainability

    The Summit on Sustainability is MORPC’s signature environmental conference, bringing hundreds of community leaders together to explore and share sustainable ideas and solutions, and to celebrate individual and collaborative sustainability efforts with the ...

  5. Employer Spotlight

    Meet our featured employer in the Kottman Hall lobby to learn more about their organization and career opportunities. This is a great casual way to network with professionals in the field. Dress is: come as you are. ...

  6. The Environment's Role in Middle East Peace: A Blueprint for Progress

    Professor Alon Tal, veteran Israeli environmental activist, will speak at OSU Hillel (46 E. 16th ...

  7. Executive Committees

    The SENR Alumni Society hosts many events throughout the year, however, this is just a portion of what we do. To help us accomplish our goals our committees and their members play instrumental roles in carrying out the every day activities of the executiv ...

  8. State 4-H Conference Registration Due To Morrow County Extension Office


  9. Understanding Algal Blooms: State of the Science Conference

    This conference in Toledo will highlight current scientific knowledge about algal blooms: model predictions, updated best management practices, and water treatment methods to remove toxins. Research and outreach leaders will present findings from recent s ...

  10. Ecosystem structure emerges as a strong determinant of food-chain length in linked stream-riparian ecosystems

    Sullivan, S. Mazeika P., Katie Hossler and Christina M. Cianfrani. 2015.  Ecosystem structure emerges as a strong determinant of food-chain length in linked stream-riparian ecosystems.  Ecosystems  18(8):1356-1372. doi:10.1007/s10021-015-9904-7. Mažeika S ...
