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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Friends of Brown's Lake Bog Nature Preserve Presentation- Shreve, Ohio

    Come meet like-minded people who are interested in and care about Brown’s Lake Bog Nature Preserve. Be part of a discussion around the formation of a volunteer “friends group” to support The Nature Conservancy’s efforts to steward this unique natural trea ...

  2. National Conference on Diversity, Race, and Learning

    MONDAY, MAY 7, 2017 9:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Pre-Conference Diversity Training The Ohio State University | Hale Hall |154 West 12th Avenue | Columbus, OH Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. returns as featured trainer Along with Other Selected Expert Trainers_______ 6:00 p. ...

  3. 45th ATI Commencement

    Ohio State ATI's 45th Commencement will be held on Saturday, May 5 at 11:00 a.m. in Fisher Auditorium. This year's commencement speaker is Tom Price, owner of Price Farm Organics. Tickets are not required; however, we have a larger-than-usual nu ...

  4. Defying the Laws of Nature


  5. Saving a Wetland


  6. Clover 5-K- Hilliard, Ohio

    The 2018 Clover 5K is an event for everyone, young or old(er), runner or couch potato.  The Clover 5K is a run with a purpose. All funds help support the Franklin County Walk & Serve, a Central Ohio community service event that benefits local nonprofi ...

  7. Plastic Pot Recycling- Columbus, Ohio

    Chadwick Arboretum will help you recycle your leftover pots and trays from spring planting. ...

  8. A Life in the City: The Often Unseen Biodiversity that Surrounds Us and Why It Matters- Columbus, Ohio

    The Gardiner Lab studies vacant land as a conservation habitat for arthropods. Participants will learn of our research findings and view the rich fauna found within vacant lots. Attendees will also learn about the Ohio Bee Atlas and how to participate in ...

  9. Arbor Day Celebration- Columbus, Ohio

    Save the date to join the Ohio State University Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens to celebrate Arbor Day on Friday, April 27th. ...

  10. EPN Breakfast- Perspectives on the Maple Industry Through the Lens of Forestry, Business, and Policy Development- Columbus, Ohio

    Learn from a diverse panel of experts who will share  the history and future of maple trees in Ohio, describe life on maple tree farms and talk about an Ohio House Bill seeking to incentivize maple tree production. The EPN Breakfast series is open to the ...
