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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Warren County Extension Planning Retreat

    Warren County Extension office will be closed so that all staff members can attend this event.  We ...

  2. Lunch & Learn: Cover Crops in Your Garden

    garden. Please call your reservations into OSU Extension in Fairfield County at 740-652-7260 today so we ...

  3. Managing Risk in the Grains & Navigating the Farm Program Choices

    examples of the alternatives offered. FSA Director Aaron Stockberger and Stan Smith from OSU Extension will ...

  4. First Year Member Orientation

    So you've joined 4-H... Now what? You are invited to attend either one of these two informal sessions specifically designed with you in mind.  The same basic content will be offered at each session. You will learn: the basics of the 4-H program. a be ...

  5. Marestail: Roundup Won't Kill It!

    Stan Smith, PA, OSU Extension, Fairfield County ...

  6. Mosquito Control Can = Disease Prevention

    short periods of time from mosquito bites when used correctly.- Stan Smith, PA, OSU Extension, Fairfield ...

  7. Grape Pruning Workshop

    understand pruning and answer your questions. Please RSVP to Dave Scurlock at or phone ... damage 11am-Noon:   Go to the vineyard to prune VSP, High Cordon and selecting renewal trunks The OSU ...

  8. Fairfield County Cattlemen's Association Banquet

    2015 by contacting Stan or Connie Smith at OSU Extension in Fairfield County at 740-653-5419 x 24. ...

  9. "Explore the Possibilities of 4-H" Open House

    flyer to share with friends. If you have questions, please call the Warren County Extension Office (513) ...

  10. Extension Office Closed- Holiday

    Our office is Closed on Monday November 12th in observance of Veterans Day. Thank you to those whom have served in the military! ...
