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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Adding Sulfur and Zinc to Starter Fertilizer for Corn

    Adding Sulfur and Zinc to Starter Fertilizer for Corn.pdf 2000 Corn Corn Corn Fertility Corn Planting 2000 Morrow Sloan Sulfur Micronutrients ...

  2. Ashtabula County Short-Season Corn Variety Test Plots

    Ashtabula County Short-Season Corn Variety Test Plots.pdf 2000 Corn Corn Performance Test 2000 Ashtabula Platea Sheffield ...

  3. Beneficial Arthropod Survey in Transgenic and Non-Transgenic Field Crops in Ohio

    Beneficial Arthropod Survey in Transgenic and Non-Transgenic Field Crops in Ohio.pdf 2000 Corn Corn Corn Insects 2000 Darke Miami Clark Champaign Wood Van Wert hancock ...

  4. Corn Rootworm Insecticide Comparison

    Corn Rootworm Insecticide Comparison.pdf 2000 Corn Corn Corn Insects 2000 Henry Millgrove insecticide seed treatment ...

  5. Corn Variety Performance Trials for Ohio Organic Farms

    Corn Variety Performance Trials for Ohio Organic Farms.pdf 2000 Specialty Crops Corn Organic and non-GMO Performance Test Defiance Sandusky Medina Wayne Delaware Knox Darke Logan Ross Nappanee Hoytville Mahoning (soil type) Blount Bennington Chili Bogart ...

  6. Early Season Hail Damage in Corn: Effects of Stalk Bruising and Tied Whorls

    Early Season Hail Damage in Corn Effects of Stalk Bruising and Tied Whorls.pdf 2000 Corn Corn Corn Growth and Development Weather Fayette Crosby Kokomo Miami (soil type) ...

  7. Effect of Fall Strip Tillage on Corn Yield

    Effect of Fall Strip Tillage on Corn Yield.pdf 2000 Corn Corn Equipment and Tillage 2000 Van Wert Millgrove Haney tillage ...

  8. Effect of Inoculants on Soybean Yields

    Effect of Inoculants on Soybean Yields.pdf 2000 Soybean Soybean Soybean Planting 2000 Morrow Centerburg seed treatment ...

  9. Effect of Planter Unit Repair and Calibration on Yields on Corn

    Effect of Planter Unit Repair and Calibration on Yields on Corn.pdf 2000 Corn Corn Corn Planting 2000 Morrow Sloan Sleeth equipment ...

  10. Effect of Row Width on Wheat Yield in a Modified Relay Intercropping System

    Effect of Row Width on Wheat Yield in a Modified Relay Intercropping System.pdf 2000 Modified Relay Intercropping Small Grain Production Modified Relay Intercropping 2000 Crawford Pewamo Blount ...
