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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Revisiting Burton and Likens (1975): Nutrient standing stock and biomass of a terrestrial salamander in the Midwestern United States

    Milanovich, Joseph R. and William E. Peterman. 2016. Revisiting Burton and Likens (1975): Nutrient standing stock and biomass of a terrestrial salamander in the Midwestern United States. Copeia 104(1):165-171. William Peterman Journal article ...

  2. Impact of soil erosion on soil organic carbon stocks

    Olson, K.R., M. Al-Kaisi, R. Lal and L. Cihacek. 2016. Impact of soil erosion on soil organic carbon stocks. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 71(3):61A-67A. Rattan Lal Journal article ...

  3. Effects of elevation on Plethodontid salamander body size

    Peterman, William E., John A. Crawford and Daniel J. Hocking. 2016. Effects of elevation on Plethodontid salamander body size. Copeia 104(1):202-208. William Peterman Journal article ...

  4. The distribution of a stream-breeding salamander, Desmognathus ocoee, in terrestrial habitat suggests the ecological importance of low-order streams

    Connette, Grant M., Michael S. Osbourn and William E. Peterman. 2016. The distribution of a stream-breeding salamander, Desmognathus ocoee, in terrestrial habitat suggests the ecological importance of low-order streams. Copeia 104(1):149-156. William Pete ...

  5. Soil carbon sequestration potential of US croplands and grasslands: Implementing the 4 per Thousand Initiative

    Chambers, Adam, Rattan Lal and Keith Paustian. 2016. Soil carbon sequestration potential of US croplands and grasslands: Implementing the 4 per Thousand Initiative. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 71(3):68A-74A. Rattan Lal Journal article ...

  6. Differential migration and the link between winter latitude, timing of migration, and breeding in a songbird

    Woodworth, B.K., A.E.M. Newman, S.P. Turbek, B.C. Dossman, K.A. Hobson, L.I. Wassenaar, G.W. Mitchell, N.T. Wheelwright and D.R. Norris. 2016. Differential migration and the link between winter latitude, timing of migration, and breeding in a songbird. Oe ...

  7. Seasonal variability of multiple leaf traits captured by leaf spectroscopy at two temperate deciduous forests

    Yang, X., J.W. Tang, J.F. Mustard, J. Wu, K.G. Zhao, S. Serbin and J.E. Lee. 2016. Seasonal variability of multiple leaf traits captured by leaf spectroscopy at two temperate deciduous forests. Remote Sensing of Environment 179:1-12. Kaiguang Zhao Journal ...

  8. The Woods in Your Backyard

    This is a one-day workshop for landowners with a small section of woods who want to learn more about their property; which trees and shrubs are ‘good’ and what they provide. Want to attract wildlife, improve the health of the trees, deal with invasive spe ...

  9. Hydrogeomorphology drives fish assemblages in the Nevėžis River, Lithuania: implications for river basin management plans in the Baltics

    Čivas, L, Kesminas, V. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2016. Hydrogeomorphology drives fish assemblages in the Nevėžis River, Lithuania: implications for river basin management plans in the Baltics. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 188(109):1-16. Mažeika Su ...

  10. Pranietha Mudliar's Graduate Defense Seminar

    Pranietha Mudliar, PhD Candidate in Environmental Social Sciences, will present "Heterogeneity and Collective Action: Case Studies from the United States and India" as her Graduate Defense Seminar on Thursday, June 9th, at 1:00 p.m. in 245 Kottm ...
