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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Food Safety Document Development for Small Food Processors Workshop-Athens, Ohio

    If you are a small scale food producer there is required documentation you will need to complete to be compliant with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). This includes documentation of your size exemption as a "qualified facility" and vari ...

  2. Food Safety Document Development for Small Food Processors Workshop-Columbus, Ohio

    If you are a small scale food producer there is required documentation you will need to complete to be compliant with the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). This includes documentation of your size exemption as a "qualified facility" and vari ...

  3. PSA Grower Training Course #OH-181127-GR

    The trainers will spend approximately seven hours of instruction time covering content contained in these seven modules: Introduction to Produce Safety Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training Soil Amendments Wildlife, Domesticated Animals, and Land Use Agric ...

  4. Columbus Will Host Bioproducts World Showcase and Conference Oct. 5-8

    Title"/> Dennis Hall 614-292-4188 Conservation ...

  5. Pi Alpha Xi Poinsettia Sale- Columbus, Ohio

    Pi Alpha Xi, the horticulture and floraculture honor society, holds an annual Poinsettia Sale.  This is a great place to pick up poinsettias (they have many sizes) as well as door swags, holly berry bunches, holiday containers and other festive items.  Pr ...

  6. Farm Science Review: ‘I Love the Atmosphere Here’


  7. Climate change threatens farmers in Bangladesh


  8. PSA Grower Training Course #OH-181127-GR

    The trainers will spend approximately seven hours of instruction time covering content contained in these seven modules: Introduction to Produce Safety Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training Soil Amendments Wildlife, Domesticated Animals, and Land Use Agric ...

  9. Private Pesticide Applicator Re-Certification & Fertilizer Re-Certification Portage County

    Private Pesticide Applicator Re-Certification & Fertilizer Re-Certification Portage County Date:  Friday, February 8, 2019  Pesticide: 8:00 a.m. to 11:00am; Fertilizer: 11:30am- 12:30 p.m. Location:  Portage SWCD, 6970 State Route 88, Ravenna, OH  442 ...

  10. Processed Meats Product Show

    The Processed Meats (MEATSCI 4510) class will present its final products on Wednesday, December 5, from 9:10am-11:15am in 117 Animal Science Building. ...
