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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Jed Brensinger's Graduate Defense Seminar

    Jed Brensinger, MS Candidate, Environmental Social Science, will present 'Making Connections: Exploring the Relationship Between Childhood Nature Experiences, Environmental Concern and Behaviors, and Connection to Nature', as his Graduate Defens ...

  2. Reducing bias in population and landscape genetic inferences: the effects of sampling related individuals and multiple life stages

    Peterman, William, Emily R. Brocato, Raymond D. Semlitsch and Lori S. Eggert. 2016. Reducing bias in population and landscape genetic inferences: the effects of sampling related individuals and multiple life stages. PeerJ 4.   William Peterman Journal art ...

  3. Faculty to study sources and fates of nutrients in Ohio River basin watersheds

    Mažeika Sullivan, Kris Jaeger, Lauren Pintor,  and  Kaiguang Zhao, faculty in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, have been awarded a grant to study the sources and fates of nutrients in watersheds of the Ohio River basin. The project address ...

  4. Hugh Walpole's Graduate Defense Seminar

    Hugh Walpole, MS candidate in Environmental Social Sciences, will present his Graduate Defense Seminar. His presentation is 'Why Stay? Why Go? An Examination of Attitudes towards Risk in Wildfire Evacuation Decision Making.' This seminar will be ...

  5. Applications of Network Science in Food Systems Research

    The AEDE Applied Economics Seminar Series welcomes Stephan Goetz, Professor and DirectorThe Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development and Penn State University. Goetz will present 'Applications of Network Science in Food Systems Research' ...

  6. Climate and Agriculture: Opportunities for Midwestern Agriculture

    The SENR Spring 2016 Seminar Series welcomes Jerry L. Hatfield, Laboratory Director and Supervisory Plant Physiologist, National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment, and Director, Midwest Region Climate Hub, who will present Climate and Agricul ...

  7. SENR Wildlife Program Specialist offers workshop at the largest Ohio sustainable food and farming conference

    Marne Titchenell will conduct a workshop on wildlife conflict at The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association's (OEFFA) 34th annual conference.  ...

  8. Museum of Biological Diversity Open House

    Join us for a celebration of biodiversity and science at the Museum of Biological Diversity Open House on Saturday (4/23) 10 a.m.-4 p.m.This year's theme is Living Colors: An exploration of the role of color in nature. Get a behind-the-scenes view of ...

  9. Mohammad Ashraful Alam's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    Mohammad Ashraful Alam, PhD candidate in Fisheries and Wildlife Science, will present ' Hypoxia in Great Lakes with Special Emphasis on Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens)' for his Doctoral Scholarly Seminar. The seminar will begin at 1:50 p.m. in 3 ...

  10. SENR 2013 Spring Seminar Series

    We hope you will join us Thursday, April 18 for the final seminar of our Spring Series.    Dr. Mohan Wali  will be presenting " From Analog to Digital:  A Lifetime in Ecology and Environmental Science," 103 Kottman Hall with a video link to 123 ...
