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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Potential for Silk Clipping by Beetles

    We have received many reports of Japanese beetles and other defoliators munching on soybean over the past few weeks with some reaching economic levels of defoliation. Like a few other insects Japanese beetles are “buffet style” eaters, they have many plan ...

  2. 2017-22


  3. OSU Fall break (no classes)

    245 Thursday, October 13, 2016 (All day) to Friday, October 14, 2016 (All day) ...

  4. Carter and Dengel win peer recognition awards

    and online marketing techniques for both the OSU South Centers Business Development Network and for ...

  5. OSU Extension Conference Offers Education and Support for Conservation Tillage, March 5-6

    When it became apparent that the dry spell many Ohio growers were experiencing last year would become the worst drought in 50 years, David Brandt wasn’t worried about how well corn and soybeans on his 1,150-acre farm would fare. Read More ...

  6. 2017-21


  7. Western Bean Cutworm: Time to Scout

    Western bean cutworm adult moth catches in our trapping network are ticking up, with a noticeable increase from the week before.  The current statewide report is below.  While we aren’t at peak flight yet, now is a good time to start your corn scouting, p ...

  8. Recruiting Engineers Day 2013

    (8am-5pm) event and provides an opportunity to learn about what OSU College of Engineering has to offer you ... attend. OSU Undergraduates can register at ... support provided to our students, summer research opportunities at OSU, and funding opportunities at OSU ...

  9. Japanese Beetles in Corn and Soybeans

    We have been hearing reports of Japanese beetles in corn and soybean.  These beetles are large with a shiny copper and green color.  Foliage feeding in corn is almost never economic, though economic damage from silk clipping is possible (though rare).  Co ...

  10. 2017-20

