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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Tips Help Corn Growers Diagnose Emergence Problems

    creamy white root system," said Paul, who also holds an Ohio State University Extension appointment. ...

  2. Wise Management Eases Problems When Weather Holds Up Harvest

    problems associated with cool, wet fall weather. Peter Thomison, an Ohio State University Extension ...

  3. Tilling the Soil? Vertical Tillage Offers the Most Benefits

    Extension agricultural engineer. "Helping farmers understand that there are differences between tillage ...

  4. Alternative Method to Protect Rootstock Available to Grape Growers

    who also holds an Ohio State University Extension appointment. "This approach is useful anywhere ...

  5. Weather Kind to Ohio's Wheat

    phase,” said Pat Lipps, an Ohio State University Extension plant pathologist. “The wheat throughout much ...

  6. Dry Conditions, Not Diseases, Affecting This Year's Soybean Yields WOOSTER, Ohio- Environmental stresses, rather than disease pressure, may be the cause of ...

  7. Manure Drag Hose Plot Results

    The 2015 growing season was the 2 nd year for a corn post-emergent drag hose study at the OARDC Northwest branch at Holtville. The purpose of this plot is to determine how far along in development the corn crop can be before the damage from a drag hose wo ...

  8. Winter Wheat Progress and Management

    On March 16 and 17, we visited our wheat trials in Clark County and Pickaway County. Both locations were at Feekes growth stage 5 (leaf sheath erect). In northwest Ohio, wheat is at green-up to Feekes growth stage 4. Generally, Feekes growth stage 6 occur ...

  9. Proven Production Practices for Increasing Corn Yields and Profits

    In the quest for high corn yields, considerable attention has been given to increasing various inputs, including seeding rates and fertilizers, narrowing row spacing, and making preventative applications of foliar fungicides, growth regulators and biologi ...

  10. Calibrate Your Sprayer Now- Here is an Easy Way to do it

    Typically, I would wait until April to remind you to calibrate your sprayer, because of cold weather outside. But this year is not a typical year. Who would believe the temperature to reach 70’s in central Ohio today. There seems to be no better time to g ...
