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Ohio Supreme Court Resolves Grain Bin Taxation Issue
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Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Laboratories Renovated, Ready
Two laboratories on the fourth floor of Kottman Hall were recently renovated and are "ready to go,” says Lauren Pintor, assistant professor of Aquatic Ecology in the School of Environment and Natural Resources. The labs, formerly used and designed fo ...
Associations between Riffles and Aquatic Biota following Lowhead Dam Removal: Implications for River Fish Conservation
A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Danielle R. Vent, MS Candidate in Fisheries and Wildlife Science, on Monday (7/13) at 1:00 p.m. in 101 Heffner Wetland Research and Educatoin Building. Danielle will present Associations between Riffles an ...
Ohio's New Fertilizer and Manure Application Restrictions are in Effect
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Modeling Wetland Biogeochemistry and Restoration in South Florida
A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Darryl Marois, PhD Candidate in Ecological Restoration, on Monday (7/13) at 1:00 p.m. in 333C Kottman Hall. Darryl will present Modeling Wetland Biogeochemistry and Restoration in South Florida. ...
Carbon and macronutrient losses during accelerated erosion under different tillage and residue management
Beniston, J.W., M.J. Shipitalo, R. Lal, E.A. Dayton, D.W. Hopkins, F. Jones, A. Joynes and J.A.J. Dungait. 2015. Carbon and macronutrient losses during accelerated erosion under different tillage and residue management. European Journal of Soil Science ...
Application of organic amendments to restore degraded soil: Effects on soil microbial properties
Carlson, Jennifer, Jyotisna Saxena, Nicholas Basta, Lakhwinder Hundal, Dawn Busalacchi and Richard P. Dick. 2015. Application of organic amendments to restore degraded soil: effects on soil microbial properties. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment ...
We're the Ones Who Research
Ben Rubinoff, a rising Junior in the Environmental Science Honors Program, is an intern with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (located in Maryland along the Chesapeake Bay). Ben is working on the MarineGEO initiative, a global Smithsonian p ...
We're the Ones Who Educate
Emily Hill, a rising senior majoring in Natural Resource Management, is a camp counselor at the Columbus Zoo. Emily works specifically in the Zoo's Summer Camp Experience Program, which is directed under the educational department at the zoo. Emily w ...
We're the Ones Who Keep it Local
Laura Kington, a rising senior majoring in Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability with the community development specialization, is an intern for the Franklin County Local Food Council (FCLFC) in Columbus. “FCLFC is made up of volunteers fr ...