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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Ecosystem size and flooding drive trophic dynamics of riparian spiders in a fire-prone Sierra Nevada river system

    Jackson, B.K., and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2018. Ecosystem size and flooding drive trophic dynamics of riparian spiders in a fire-prone Sierra Nevada river system. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  75: 308–318 ...

  2. ENR 8897 Graduate Symposium

    We welcome you to attend the ENR 8897 Graduate Symposium Tuesday, April 24, 2018 from 10 A.M.- Noon in Kottman Hall room 244. Kevin Fisher- A New Strategy for the Eradication of Asian Carps JordanReding- The Effects of Rock Climbing on Lichen and Bryophyt ...

  3. Why We Don't Believe Science: A Perspective From Decision Psychology

    decision making. She has worked extensively with the U.S. National Cancer Institute and Food and Drug ...

  4. Taste of OSU

    performances at Taste of OSU 2015 on Friday, February 13 at the Ohio Union from 5 – 9 p.m. Tickets to purchase ... in the Great Hall. Taste of OSU is an Ohio State Signature Event. To view a complete list of student ... organizations participating, visit Taste of OSU 2015. ...

  5. Doctoral Scholarly Seminar- Kristen Diesburg

    Kristen Diesburg will present  Theoretical and Applied Perspectives of the Intersection of Food-Web Ecology and Biological Invasions in Stream-Riparian Ecosystems  at 1:00pm on Monday, April 23rd, 2018 at the Wetlands Research Park room 128.   Streams are ...

  6. Construction Career Expo

    This expo is open to all OSU students and recent alumni. ...

  7. Graduate Exit Seminar- Alicia Brunner

    Alicia Brunner will present "The Winter Ecology and Response to Environmental Change of a Neotropical Migratory Songbird: the Swainson’sWarbler (Limnothlypisswainsoni i)" at 10:00 A.M. on Monday, April 23rd in Kottman Hall room 245. "The im ...

  8. Independent Student Research Presented at Poster Forum

    University on September 17, 2015. The Forum is co-sponsored by the OSU Undergraduate Research Office and OSU ...

  9. 60th Annual CFAES Banquet Celebrates Undergraduate Achievement

    seniors, which honors those who have actively promoted their College/School and University by extensive ...

  10. Rebecca Swab (Wilds) Seminar- College of Public Health

    Rebecca Swab, Ph.D  Director of Restoration Ecology, the Wilds  Natives in reclamation- creating prairie habitat on marginal landscapes  Surface mining for coal represents one of the most severe anthropogenic disturbances in the United States, and has aff ...
