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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. Associations between stream hydrogeomorphology and codependent mussel-fish assemblages: evidence from an Ohio, USA river system.

    Bey, C. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2015. Associations between stream hydrogeomorphology and codependent mussel-fish assemblages: evidence from an Ohio, USA river system.  Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems  25: 555-568. Mažeika Sullivan Jour ...

  2. Short-term consequences of lowhead dam removal for fish assemblages in an urban river system.

    Dorobek, A.C., Sullivan, S.M.P., and A. Kautza. 2015. Short-term consequences of lowhead dam removal for fish assemblages in an urban river system.  River Systems.   21/2–3: 125-139. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...

  3. Riverine landscape patch heterogeneity drives riparian ant assemblages

    Tagwireyi, P. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2015. Riverine landscape patch heterogeneity drives riparian ant assemblages.  PLoS ONE  10(4): e0124807. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...

  4. Spatially-dependent human alterations drive fish assemblage composition in a modified river system.

    Kautza, A. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2015. Spatially-dependent human alterations drive fish assemblage composition in a modified river system.  River Systems. 21/2–3: 93-108. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...

  5. Ecosystem structure emerges as a strong determinant of food-chain length in linked stream-riparian ecosystems.

    Sullivan, S.M.P., Hossler, K., and C.M. Cianfrani. 2015. Ecosystem structure emerges as a strong determinant of food-chain length in linked stream-riparian ecosystems.  Ecosystems. 18: 1356-1372. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...

  6. Shifts in reciprocal river-riparian arthropod fluxes along an urban-rural landscape gradient.

    Kautza, A. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2015. Shifts in reciprocal river-riparian arthropod fluxes along an urban-rural landscape gradient.  Freshwater Biology. 60: 2156-2168. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...

  7. Thanksgiving Day- no classes, offices closed


  8. Thanksgiving Break begins- no classes, offices open


  9. Veteran's Day observed- no classes, offices closed


  10. First day of Autumn Semester 2018

    Semester and first sessions classes begin. ...
