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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Examining Land Values, Cash Rents, Crop Input Costs and Potential Crop Profitability in 2015

    Barry Ward, Assistant Extension Professor and Leader Production Business Management in the ...

  2. Student Researchers Shine


  3. Fall Native Tree Sale

    locations on the OSU campus. He planted rows of oaks by the married student apartments near Ackerman and ...

  4. Administrative Changes in the Department of Animal Sciences

    Dr. Maurice Eastridge, Extension Dairy Specialist, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...

  5. Ardent supporters: David and Ginny Brown


  6. PSA (Produce Safety Alliance) Grower Training Course-Dayton, OH

    The trainers will spend approximately seven hours of instruction time covering content contained in these seven modules: Introduction to Produce Safety Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training Soil Amendments Wildlife, Domesticated Animals, and Land Use Agric ...

  7. PSA (Produce Safety Alliance) Grower Training Course Owensville #OH-190320-GR

    The trainers will spend approximately seven hours of instruction time covering content contained in these seven modules: Introduction to Produce Safety Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training Soil Amendments Wildlife, Domesticated Animals, and Land Use Agric ...

  8. PSA (Produce Safety Alliance)Grower Training Course-Chesterhill #OH-190319-GR

    The trainers will spend approximately seven hours of instruction time covering content contained in these seven modules: Introduction to Produce Safety Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training Soil Amendments Wildlife, Domesticated Animals, and Land Use Agric ...

  9. PSA (Produce Safety Alliance) Grower Training Course-Reynoldsburg #OH-190312-GR

    The trainers will spend approximately seven hours of instruction time covering content contained in these seven modules: Introduction to Produce Safety Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training Soil Amendments Wildlife, Domesticated Animals, and Land Use Agric ...

  10. PSA (Produce Safety Alliance) Grower Training Course-Ottawa, #OH-190227-GR

    The trainers will spend approximately seven hours of instruction time covering content contained in these seven modules: Introduction to Produce Safety Worker Health, Hygiene, and Training Soil Amendments Wildlife, Domesticated Animals, and Land Use Agric ...
