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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Ohio River Valley Woodland & Wildlife Workshop

    This annual tri-state landowner workshop brings together experts from Ohio State University, Purdue University and University of Kentucky.  The goal is to provide landowners across the region access to the latest in landowner tools and techniques to help ...

  2. Analysis of Soils and Landform Properties for Description of Plague Disease Ecology in West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania

    PhD candidate, Boniface Hussein John Massawe, will present his Doctoral Scholarly Seminar in 333C Kottman Hall with a video link to 123 Williams Hall. His presentation is titled Analysis of Soils and Landform Properties for Description of Plague Disease E ...

  3. map for scheirmeier


  4. Departure Decisions and Movement Behavior of Migratory Songbirds During Stopover

    An ENR Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Bryant C. Dossman, Masters student in the Fisheries and Wildlife Science specialization area. His presentation will be Departure Decisions and Movement Behavior of Migratory Songbirds During Stopover. T ...

  5. Antarctic Ice Sheet Evoluation and the Earth Climate

    The Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center Winter Seminar welcomes Flavio Justino, Universidade Federal de Vicosa, who will present Antarctic Ice Sheet Evolution and the Earth Climate. This seminar will begin at 3:30 p.m. at the Byrd Polar Learning Center ...

  6. Express Services

    Offered every Friday through Spring 2015 semester in 210 Kottman Halll. Think of ENR Express Services as your advising minute clinic!  You will have a 15 minute time slot to help you with questions you may have on career services and scheduling. Please no ...

  7. Express Services

    Offered every Friday through Spring 2015 semester in 210 Kottman Halll. Think of ENR Express Services as your advising minute clinic!  You will have a 15 minute time slot to help you with questions you may have on career services and scheduling. Please no ...

  8. The World Until Yesterday

    The Provost's Discovery Themes Lecturer Program welcomes Jared Diamond, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Guns, Germs and Steel and Collapse. Diamond will discuss The World Until Yesterday: What Can We learn From Traditional Societies? The Lecturer Pr ...

  9. Summer 2014 Student Internships

    Internships are a great way for students to apply what they are learning in the classroom to a professional working environment. They also help students determine if their chosen career path is the right fit. Students majoring in Environment, Economy, Dev ...

  10. SENR Seminar Series

    The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Gerald Blazey, Acting Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation, Northern Illinois University. His presentation will be Science Policy in the White House. The SENR Seminar begins at 4:10 p.m in 164 Howlett Hall ...
