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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. IPRGSO Winter Warm-up Social

    Graduate students from all departments are welcome and you can invite your friends too! Join the Institute for Population Research Graduate Student Organization's (IPRGSO) social with hot chocolate, a variety of soups and homemade bread. Receive an I ...

  2. Identification of metabolically active rhizosphere microorganisms by stable isotopic probing of PLFA in switchgrass

    Chaudhary, Doongar R. and Richard P. Dick. 2016. Identification of metabolically active rhizosphere microorganisms by stable isotopic probing of PLFA in switchgrass. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 47(21):2433-2444. Richard P. Dick Journ ...

  3. Soil solution interactions may limit Pb remediation using P amendments in an urban soil

    Obrycki, John F., Kirk G. Scheckel and Nicholas T. Basta. 2016. Soil solution interactions may limit Pb remediation using P amendments in an urban soil. Environmental Pollution 22:549-556. Nicholas Basta Journal article Sunday, January 1, 2017 ...

  4. TV Weathercasters as Climate Educators: Making the Global Local

    The OSU School of Communication, the Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center, and the Behavioral ...

  5. Long-Term Climate Justice

    In CONTINUING THE SUSTAINABILITY CONVERSATION, The Center for Ethics and Human Values presents John Nolt who will present Long-Term Climate Justice. John Nolt is a Professor in the Philosophy Department at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He has pu ...

  6. ENRGP Exit Seminar: Collaborative Partnerships and Invasive Species Management

    on collaborative approaches has occurred extensively in relation to watershed management. However, ...

  7. Christmas Tree Sale

    a 10% discount flyer. All proceeds go to benefit the Forestry Forum at OSU which gives out over $2,000 ...

  8. CSM Competiton teams

    (Ashley Duvelius, University of Cincinnati). The OSU team took 1st place in the Commercial, New ...

  9. Fire Regimes of Remnant Pine Communities in Pennsylvania

    The North Atlantic Fire Science Exchange webinar presents Mike Stambaugh and Joe Marschall, of the Oak Woodlands and Forests Fire Consortium. Their topic will be Fire Regimes of Remnant Pine Communities in Pennsylvania. ...

  10. Understanding controls on flow permanence in intermittent rivers to aid ecological research: integrating meteorology, geology and land cover

    Costigan, K.H., K.L. Jaeger, C.W. Goss, K.M. Fritz and P.C. Goebel. 2016. Understanding controls on flow permanence in intermittent rivers to aid ecological research: integrating meteorology, geology and land cover. Ecohydrology 9(7):1141-1153. Journal ar ...
