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Restoration of Great Black Swamp to Save Lake Erie
A new magazine article in MIT’s Undark, “Learning to Love the Great Black Swamp”, written by Sharon Levy, features restoration of portions of the Great Black Swamp in NW Ohio and highlights Professor Emeritus William (Bill) Mitsch’s idea, as well as other ...
SENR Masters Research Proposal Lightning Presentations
Graduate students in the Environment and Natural Resources Graduate Program will present their research proposals. The presentations will be done using a 5-minute ‘lightning talk’ format, things will move quickly and be entertaining. Treats will be provid ...
Fall CSM Competition Team
The Fall OSU Competition Team is competing at ABC National from November 2nd-November 6th in Las ... team advisors are Mac Ware and Alex Belkofer. Updates: The OSU Competition Team arrived safe and ... ABC judging committee this morning at 9:00am PST. Day 1 was successfully completed today by the OSU ...
Dr. Moore Joins OSU's Office of Energy and Environment
Richard Moore, executive director of Ohio State’s Environmental Sciences Network and professor in the School of Environment and Natural Resources, has been appointed associate director for academics in the Office of Energy and Environment. ...
Tree School
backyard, tree ID, invasive species management and much, much more! The event will be held on the OSU ...
Fire Regimes and Food Webs- talk by Doug Bird
Please join the Dept. of Anthropology for talk by Dr. Douglas Bird, from Penn State University, on Fire Regimes and Food Webs in Indigenous Australia. The talk will be on Friday 14 April at 10:30 AM in 4012 Smith Laboratory. Read the FLYER for more detail ...
Rattan Lal honored by Elsevier
Rattan Lal, director of the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center at The Ohio State University, was honored with the Elsevier Atlas award March 31, for his journal article “Food Security in a Changing Climate," published in the “Ecohydrology &a ...
Family Wellness Expo
Meyer, Brutus Buckeye, the OSU Dance Team and The Ohio State University Marching Band! Come for a while ...
Funding Your Education with Associateships and Fellowships
composition course requirements prior to graduation. Admitted international students attending OSU must either ...
Physiological changes and reproductive performance of Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus injected with thiamine
Ghiasi, S., B. Falahatkar, M. Arslan and K. Dabrowski. 2017. Physiological changes and reproductive performance of Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus injected with thiamine. Animal Reproduction Science 178:27-34. Konrad Dabrowski Journal article Tuesday, ...