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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Seasonally distinct taxonomic and functional shifts in macroinvertebrate communities following dam removal

    Sullivan, S. Mazeika, P. and David W. P. Manning. 2017. Seasonally distinct taxonomic and functional shifts in macroinvertebrate communities following dam removal. PEERJ 5:e3189. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article Thursday, April 6, 2017 ...

  2. Examining the agricultural producer identity: utilising the collective occupational identity construct to create a typology and profile of rural landholders in Victoria, Australia

    Groth, Theresa M., Allan Curtis, Emily Mendham and Eric Toman. 2017. Examining the agricultural producer identity: utilising the collective occupational identity construct to create a typology and profile of rural landholders in Victoria, Australia. Journ ...

  3. Mulching affects soil properties and greenhouse gas emissions under long-term no-till and plough-till systems in alfisol of central Ohio

    Nawaz, Ahmad, Rattan Lal, Raj Kumar Shrestha and Muhammad Farooq. 2017. Mulching affects soil properties and greenhouse gas emissions under long-term no-till and plough-till systems in alfisol of central Ohio. Land Degradation and Development 28(2):673-68 ...

  4. Comparison of conventional and conservation rice-wheat systems in Punjab, Pakistan

    Nawaz, Ahmad, Muhammad Farooq, Rattan Lal, Abdul Rehman and Hafeez-ur-Rehman. 2017. Comparison of conventional and conservation rice-wheat systems in Punjab, Pakistan. Soil and Tillage Research 169:35-43. Rattan Lal Journal article Thursday, June 8, 2017 ...

  5. Deadline to Nominate OARDC Staff Awards

    staff. These awards are made possible through contributions to the OSU Campus Campaign and funding from ...

  6. Modernization, Risk, and Conservation of the World's Largest Carnivores

    Our Author(s): Jeremy Bruskotter, Gabriel Karns, Kerry Ard, Stan Gehrt Bruskotter, Jeremy T., J.A. Vucetich, M.J. Manfredo, G.R. Karns, C. Wolf, K. Ard, N.H. Carter, J.V. López-Bao, G. Chapron, S.D. Gehrt, and W.J. Ripple. 2017. Modernization, Risk, and C ...

  7. Wetlands, Water Quality, and Carbon: How Wetlands can Save the Planet.

    Cedar Bog Nature Preserve welcomes William Mitsch, as part of our Second Saturday programs. Dr. Mitsch, Eminent Scholar and Director of the Florida Everglades Wetland Research Park will talk about “Wetlands, Water Quality, and Carbon:  How Wetlands Can Sa ...

  8. Ecosystem Stewardship in an Era of Rapid Climate Change

    its impacts on the Central Ohio community. Climate Explorations is funded by a 2014 OSU CARES Seed ...

  9. Maximizing the Benefits of Grid Modernization

    EPN is pleased to be supporting a free program Tuesday, June 13 at the downtown Sheraton Columbus, sponsored by The Nature Conservancy and the Environmental Defense Fund.   Maximizing the Benefit of Grid Modernization. ...

  10. SP17AlumniConnection

    O'Meara wins CFAES Alumni Award. Page 1      by Molly Bean Alumni Roadtrip. Page 2      by Molly Hardesty Become Sustaining. Page 2      by Mark Giese Distinguished Teaching. Page 3      by Molly Hardesty CFAES Banquet. Page 3      by Molly Hardesty ...
