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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Crop Insurance, Risk Management to Shape Next Farm Bill: Ohio State Ag Economists

    when the current legislation is set to expire. Zulauf said he expects an extension to the bill will be ...

  2. Training Workshop Offers Certification in Manure Handling

    of Union County in Marysville, Ohio. The event is being sponsored by Ohio State University Extension ...

  3. Media Advisory: PLANET Day of Service in Secrest Arboretum Tomorrow (4/22)

    help Secrest and OSU,” OLA Executive Director Sandy Munley said in a statement to members. “A ...

  4. 'Sustainability, Resilience, Adaptation': Students in New Ohio State Course to Plan Future of NE Ohio Family Farm

    Hoy at (330) 263-3611 or 30- Kurt Knebusch Casey Hoy Mellinger Farm.jpg Mellinger Farm ...

  5. Learning from the Application of Land Use Change Models

    Rural-Urban Policy at OSU. The fi rst of the three workshops dealt with the role of science and scientists in ... and Larry Libby from OSU organizing the process. Committee members for this workshop are listed on the ...

  6. Environmental Policy Initiative Announces Summer 2014 Research Grant Winners

    a yearly summer research grant for OSU graduate students who are preparing doctoral dissertation proposals ...

  7. Strip Tillage an Option for No-Till Farmers with Continuous Corn

    Extension agricultural engineer who specializes in conservation tillage practices, said that the same crops ... plowing in continuous corn production. Tony Vyn, a Purdue University Extension agronomist, offers ...

  8. 'Export Base' Employment and Poverty

    Presented by Maureen Kilkenny, University of Nevada, and Mark Partridge, Swank Professor, OSU at ...

  9. Ohio State Economists Discuss Sustainable Development at Discovery Themes Lecture/COMPAS Conference

    This article was originally published on the website of OSU's College of Food, Agricultural, ...

  10. New Generation Resource Policy for a Region in Transition: Land Use, Agriculture, Environment, and Health in the Great Lakes Region

    Rural-Urban Policy at OSU. The fi rst of the four workshops dealt with the role of science and scientists in ... co-PIs Sandra Batie and Pat Norris from MSU as well as Larry Libby from OSU. Committee members for this ...
