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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2020 FABE Scholarships and Awards

    We are pleased to announce this year's reipients of our IPAG Awards, Graduate Student Awards, Capstone Design Project Awards and Undergraduate Student Scholarships. Congratulations to this year's student scholarship and award recipients! ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Team Finishes in the Winner’s Circle

    in contributing, please contact the coach, Sherry Smith at And GO BUCKS!! ... Extension The Ohio 4-H Dairy Judging Team wrapped up an outstanding year at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, ...

  3. Support for 4-H Dairy Judging Team to Travel to Europe

    go toward the OHIO 4-H Dairy Judging Team’s trip! Call (330-465-2376) or email ( ... Extension Wow what a year! Many workouts and competitions through the years prepared these four young people ...

  4. What is the R3 Growth Stage?

    article is here: ...

  5. Corn and Soybean Seedling Blights

    Low stands or poor development of plants is, unfortunately, a common occurrence for fields that were planted in many regions of Ohio with heavy soil or are poorly drained soil.  Symptoms include skips, missing plants, or dried up and brown seedlings.  The ...

  6. NASA Student Capstone Project

    NASA Student Capstone Project- Ohio State FABE ...

  7. Senate Bill One Meeting in Putnam County

    The Putnam County SWCD and OSU Extension offices are hosting a “Senate Bill I: Guidelines and ... County Extension Office. Livestock producers and farmers interested in learning more about the winter ... building manure storage. Jim Hoorman, Putnam County Extension Educator, will discuss choices for cover ...

  8. Weather Potpourri: Hot and Tropical – Turning Cooler This Weekend

    After a long period of cold spring temperatures, the last couple of weeks have generally been above average by a degree or two in southeast Ohio to more than four degrees above average in north-central and northeast Ohio. Precipitation has usually been li ...

  9. 2020-17


  10. Dicamba takes another blow: Court of Appeals vacates dicamba registration

    Dicamba has had its share of legal challenges, and a decision issued yesterday dealt yet another blow when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals  vacated the product’s registration with the U.S. EPA.  In doing so, the court held that the EPA’s approval of th ...
