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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 2017-25


  2. Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update for Week ending July 28, 2017

    assisted by Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, JD Bethel, Bruce Clevenger, Sam Custer, Thomas Dehaas, Allen Gahler, Jason Hartschuh, Ed Lentz, Rory Lewandowski, David Marrison, Sarah Noggle, Les Ober, Adrian Pekarcik, Eric Richer, Garth Ruff, John Schoenhals, J ...

  3. Stink Bugs in Soybean

    As our beans start to put on pods, it’s time to start scouting for stink bugs.  In 2016 a number of farmers had significant stink bug damage but didn’t realize it until harvest, when they discovered shriveled, blasted seeds.  Seed damage can be prevented ...

  4. Drought-Tolerant Corn Hybrids: What is the Fit for Ohio?

    three Ohio locations over three years. The research was supported in part by an OSU-Ohio Agricultural ... experiments were conducted at OSU research farms near S. Charleston, Hoytville, and Apple Creek, Ohio. The ...

  5. Rust, Freeze Injury, Head Scab: Should I Still Put on a Fungicide? to see what the risk is. For wheat flowering today (May 16), the forecasting system says that the ...

  6. 2017-24


  7. Western Bean Cutworm Monitoring Update for Week Ending July 21, 2017

    with assistance from Mark Badertscher, Lee Beers, JD Bethel, Bruce Clevenger, Sam Custer, Thomas Dehaas, Allen Gahler, Mike Gastier, Ed Lentz, Rory Lewandowski, David Marrison, Cecelia Lokai-Minnich, Sarah Noggle, Les Ober, Adrian Pekarcik, Eric Richer, G ...

  8. 2017-23


  9. Recruiting Engineers Day 2013

    (8am-5pm) event and provides an opportunity to learn about what OSU College of Engineering has to offer you ... attend. OSU Undergraduates can register at ... support provided to our students, summer research opportunities at OSU, and funding opportunities at OSU ...

  10. FSR Agronomy College (Madison)

    Details to come Corn Soybean Small Grain Production ...
