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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



Search results

  1. 2019 Conference Hotel Information

    Information: We have a block of rooms at both the Hilton Garden Inn and the Hampton Inn on Olentangy Road. The hotels share a parking lot, and are a very short ~1 mile drive from the Fawcett Center, where the conference will be held on Thursday, October 2 ...

  2. News: Ohio State ATI scores 97/100 on new College Scorecard

    Wooster, OH-- The Brookings Institution has analyzed the U.S. Department of Education's new College Scorecard database to produce value-added rankings for nearly 4,000 U.S. colleges, based on the earnings of alumni. Among 1,507 two-year colleges, Ohi ...

  3. NEWS: Outstanding Students Recognized

    Wooster, OH-- Ohio State ATI recognized its outstanding students at the 29th annual Student Recognition Banquet on April 3. Students were selected on the basis of academic achievement, leadership, campus involvement, and work experience. Two students were ...

  4. Fall 2019 Computer Courses

    Registration deadline is 7 days prior to the course date.  For more information contact Zac Burkey or visit    ...

  5. Kick it up a Notch: Next Level Management Series

    Leadership development for professionals who manage teams, departments, processes or projects.   Registration Deadline is October 3, 2019.  Contact Zac Burkey for more information. ...

  6. Homecoming Week Activities

    Homecoming kick's off with Family Day on Saturday, Sept. 28th.  Volunteers Needed!!  If you can spare an hour or two, please sign up.  Lunch will be provided and we ask that you wear OSU attire.  ...

  7. 9th Annual Homecoming Faculty/Staff vs Student Dodge Ball Tournament

    October 1, 2019 7:00 PM. Sign-up can be sent to court member Nicole McMullen.141 via email by Monday, Sept. 30th. ...

  8. Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD) Conference

    Extension professionals and their volunteers to enhance their understanding of "education" vs ... "advocacy," the role of Extension and their volunteers in both of these, and to improve their message prior to ...

  9. 2018 Youth Poultry Clinic

    Saturday, March 24, at Fisher Auditorium, OSU/OARDC, Wooster, Ohio. Topics presented include: Nutrition, ... limited! Register now! The cost per person is $20.00. Registration forms must be sent to OSU/OARDC, Attn: Jarrod ...

  10. September 25, 2019

