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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. SENR Seminar Series

    The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Christopher Tonra, Assistant Professor, OSU School of Environment ...

  2. Changes in quantity and quality of soil carbon due to the land-use conversion to sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) plantation in southern Brazil

    Bordonal, R.D., R. Lal, C.C. Ronquim, E.B. de Figueiredo, J.L.N. Carvalho, W. Maldonado, D.M.B.P. Milori, and N. La Scala. 2017. Changes in quantity and quality of soil carbon due to the land-use conversion to sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) plantation ...

  3. MicroTrop 2014 In Pictures

     recycled, treated waste water. OSU Plant Pathology Graduate Student, Spencer Debenport demonstrates sample ...

  4. Reflections on Biking To Work

    used COTA to get to the airport, the OSU bus system on really “nasty” winter days, Car2Go (twice), and ... has been biking year-round to OSU since he began working at Ohio State in autumn 2007. According to ...

  5. TWEL Dissertation Graziano

    The Role of Forest Composition on Pool-breeding Amphibians: Colonization, Larval Communities, and Connectivity Michael Paul Graziano, PhD Advisor: Stephen N. Matthews Dissertation Few studies investigate the intricate effects that the plant community has ...

  6. TWEL Dissertation Adam Pettis

    Assessing Hunting Participation Correlates in Ohio: An Examination of Influences and Scholarship Related to the Pursuit of Wild Game Adam Levi Pettis, Ph.D Advisor: Jeremy T. Bruskotter Dissertation In a relatively short period of time, hunting has progre ...

  7. TWEL Kaley Donovan Thesis

    Songbird Habitat Models on the Landscape-scale in Southeast Ohio’s Public Forestland Kaley Jean Donovan, MS Advisor: Stephen N. Matthews Thesis In the Appalachian Foothills Region of Ohio, active timber management provides an opportunity for sustainable m ...

  8. Natural C-13 abundance and soil carbon dynamics under long-term residue retention in a no-till maize system

    Jha, Pramod, S. Verma, R. Lal, C. Eidson and G.S. Dheri. 2017. Natural C-13 abundance and soil carbon dynamics under long-term residue retention in a no-till maize system. Soil Use and Management 33(1):90-97. Rattan Lal Journal article Monday, January 9, ...

  9. Local temperature response to land cover and management change driven by non-radiative processes

    Bright, R.M., E. Davin, T. O'Halloran, J. Pongratz, K.G. Zhao and A. Cescatti. 2017. Local temperature response to land cover and management change driven by non-radiative processes. Nature Climate Change 7(4):296-302. Kaiguang Zhao Journal article M ...

  10. Informed debate on the use of fire for peatland management means acknowledging the complexity of socio-ecological systems

    Davies, G.M., N. Kettridge, C.R. Stoof, A. Gray, R. Marrs, D. Ascoli, P.M. Fernandes, K.A. Allen, S.H. Doerr, G.D. Clay, J. McMorrow and V. Vandvik. 2016. Informed debate on the use of fire for peatland management means acknowledging the complexity of soc ...
