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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Christmas Tree Sale

    for a 10% discount flyer. All proceeds go to benefit the Forestry Forum at OSU which gives out over ...

  2. Energy Flow

    The Wilderness Center, in Wilmot, Ohio, is holding Science-to-Go Ecology Seminars. Join ENR alumn, Dr. Jeff Corney, as he presents the final piece of this 3-part series of seminars. This last installment will include the flow of energy through ecosystems, ...

  3. Nutrient Cycling

    The Wilderness Center, in Wilmot, Ohio, is holding Science-to-Go Ecology Seminars. Join ENR alumni, Dr. Jeff Corney, as he presents the second installment in this 3-part series of seminars. This installment will include soil formation, soil organisms and ...

  4. Ecological Interactions

    The Wilderness Center, in Wilmot, Ohio, is holding Science-to-Go Ecology Seminars. Join ENR alum, Dr. Jeff Corney, as he presents the first in this 3-part series of seminars. This first installment will discuss topics including species adaptations, the in ...

  5. Taxonomy and Osmoregulatory Capacity in Non-native Herichthys Cichlid Fishes in the Gulf Coast Region

    A special Aquaculture Seminar will be presented by Ronald Oldfield, Senior Instructor, Case Western University Department of Biology. He will present "Taxonomy and Osmoregulatory Capacity in Non-native Herichthys Cichlid Fishes in the Gulf Coast Regi ...

  6. Environmental Professionals Network March 2017 Program

    The Environmenatl Professionals Network is again partnering with the Water Management Association of Ohio for a meeting focused on rivers and streams, with the option for breakfast and the keynote presentation by Bob Irvin, CEO and President of American R ...

  7. OSU Closed

    245 Monday, May 30, 2016 (All day) ...

  8. TV Weathercasters as Climate Educators: Making the Global Local

    The OSU School of Communication, the Byrd Polar & Climate Research Center, and the Behavioral ...

  9. Common Denominators for Escaped Prescribed Fires in the Lake States

    The Lake States Fire Science February 2017 Webinar welcomes Steven Goldman, Assistant Director, Fuels Program, Eastern Regional Office, USDA Forest Service, who will present "Common Denominators for Escaped Prescribed Fires in the Lake States – Overv ...

  10. ENRGP Exit Seminar: Collaborative Partnerships and Invasive Species Management

    on collaborative approaches has occurred extensively in relation to watershed management. However, ...
