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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Uncommon Wheat Disease Makes Rare Appearance in Ohio

    running lengthwise on the leaves. When the pustules mature, they break open to release masses of bright ... evaluated to determine which ones may show resistance to the disease. A list will then be released to ...

  2. Soybean Germplasm Lines Show Resistance to Insect Defoliation

    February 12, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- Two recently released soybean germplasm lines appear to resist ... Economic Entomology. "These lines have not been released commercially to growers because the yields ...

  3. Promotion and Tenure Boot Camp

    ( Let her know which boot camp interests you (sorry only one per person per year).  Sign up soon--- ...

  4. Promotion and Tenure Boot Camp

    ( Let her know which boot camp interests you (sorry only one per person per year).  Sign up soon--- ...

  5. Promotion and Tenure Boot Camp

    ( Let her know which boot camp interests you (sorry only one per person per year).  Sign up soon--- ...

  6. Promotion and Tenure Boot Camp

    ( Let her know which boot camp interests you (sorry only one per person per year).  Sign up soon--- ...

  7. Promotion and Tenure Boot Camp

    ( Let her know which boot camp interests you (sorry only one per person per year).  Sign up soon--- ...

  8. Curriculum Development Boot Camp

    ( Let her know which boot camp interests you (sorry only one per person per year).  Sign up soon--- ...

  9. Curriculum Development Boot Camp

    ( Let her know which boot camp interests you (sorry only one per person per year).  Sign up soon--- ...

  10. Curriculum Development Boot Camp

    ( Let her know which boot camp interests you (sorry only one per person per year).  Sign up soon--- ...
