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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Dicamba takes another blow: Court of Appeals vacates dicamba registration

    Dicamba has had its share of legal challenges, and a decision issued yesterday dealt yet another blow when the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals  vacated the product’s registration with the U.S. EPA.  In doing so, the court held that the EPA’s approval of th ...

  2. Knox County Agronomy Field Day

    for Central Ohio                                - Jim Hoorman―OSU Extension 4:00 p.m.            Yield ...                                        Ag Leader―Tim Norris 5:00 p.m.             Have A Safe Trip Home  Sponsors:  OSU Extension Knox  ... 1 p.m.              Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones) Uses in Agriculture                                John Barker, OSU ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-35

    ( shows the pounds of seed needed per acre to accomplish various seeding rates using different sizes ... swine because cud chewing and rumen bacteria help release the cyanide from plant tissue. Sudangrass ... released cyanide to dissipate. 3) After a non-killing frost, do not allow animals to graze because the ...

  4. Delayed Wheat Planting There is still time to plant wheat, but the window is closing. Wheat planted 3-4 weeks after the ...

  5. Snap-Ed Regional Meeting

    200 (Wooster) Vicki Myers ( 3831 Wednesday, March 29, 2017- 8:00am to 4:30pm ...

  6. Open letter regarding efficacy of Cry1F trait on western bean cutworm

    This open letter was prepared by the undersigned entomologists and extension educators regarding ... damaged ears are primed for fungal colonization and quality loss. As extension educators and specialists, ... true, and our extension recommendations (including the Handy Bt Trait Table) will be changing to ...

  7. Western ARS Agronomy Field Day, July 15th

    Specialist at 937-599-4227,  or Joe Davlin Western farm manager at 937-462-8016,  ...  to register.   We thank the Ohio Soybean Council for their support of the Western Agronomy Field ... Rudy’s BBQ, the cost is $20 per person payable at the door. Contact Harold Watters Extension Field ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-12 To estimate how much N was lost, the grain yield level for the previous year must be considered. ... State Specialists: Pat Lipps & Anne Dorrance, Dennis Mills (Plant Pathology), Peter Thomison ... 15.5% moisture). (Remember: the N contained within the corn residue would not have been released and ...

  9. OSU Extension Energy Group Meeting

    219 Bethany reserved for Sandy Odrumsky Repeats every month on January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November on the last Tuesday until Tue Dec 01 2020. Tuesday, January 28, 2020- 9:15am to 12:30pm Tuesday, February ...

  10. Establishing New Forage Stands

    (  Forages are more productive where soil pH is above 6.0, but for alfalfa it should be 6.5 – 6.8. ... to good video on our website entitled “Drill Calibration” at https://forages.osu ...
