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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Kudzu Bug Monitoring Update

    Additional authors: Marcus McCartney The kudzu bug is an insect pest that is not currently known to exist in Ohio; however, since its introduction to the United States in 2009, the distribution has been rapidly expanding. It is now found in Kentucky, and ...

  2. 2018-12


  3. Soil Temperatures and Accumulated GDD

    Soil Temperatures and Accumulated GDD Average 2 inch soil temperatures and accumulated Growing Degrees Days (GDD) from select OARDC Weather Station locations are shown. Based on current accumulated GDD (Table 1) we would expect corn April 12 planting prio ...

  4. GPS Guidance System May Replace Industry Standard

    advance when purchased from county offices of OSU Extension or agribusinesses. Children 5 and younger are ... applications," said Matt Sullivan, an Ohio State University Extension program specialist. "I've used ... out and buy one." OSU agricultural engineers are evaluating several company-made guidance systems ...

  5. VP Statement Regarding Ohio House Budget

    Center, Ohio State University Extension, and higher education. We understand the difficult challenges the ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-29

    and photos of NCLB ( and Diplodia ... ear rot ( Soybeans- Late ... Engineering). Extension Agents and Associates: Bruce Clevenger (Defiance), Andy Kleinschmidt (Van Wert), Barry ...

  7. Triway, Wooster Grads Earn OARDC Family Scholarship Awards

    of the recipients are available from Ken Chamberlain, (330) 263-3779, Kurt ...

  8. Drought Adding A Wrinkle to Crop Marketing Decisions

    reason is because of the potential for changes in the Sept. 12 release of the next USDA production ...

  9. 2018-11


  10. Nitrogen Application to Soybean

    After talking with many farmers throughout Ohio during this year’s Extension meetings, one common ...
