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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Last day of regularly scheduled first session classes


  2. Student-Professional Networking Reception

    (ODNR) and the ENR Career Development Office is hosting a special reception for all OSU students on  ... Recreation Administration.  She graduated from OSU in 1991.   Mike Miller, Acting Chief – Division of ... – ODNR, OSU Graduate Eric Reed, Law Enforcement Search and Rescue Coordinator – Division of Watercraft, ...

  3. 2014 NACDEP Conference

    The National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) will hold its ...

  4. Paradzayi Tagwireyi Graduate Defense Seminar

    Paradzayi Tagwireyi, PhD Candidate, Ecosystem Science, will present Ant and Spider Dynamics in Complex Riverine Landscapes of the Scioto River Basin, OH: Implications for Riparian Ecosystem Structure and Function on Monday, April 28, at 9:00 a.m. in 460 K ...

  5. SENR Professor quoted in The Washington Post

    Stanley D. Gehrt, a professor and wildlife ecologist in the School of Environment and Natural Resources was quoted recently in The Washington Post article, “Here’s why there are so many coyotes and why they are spreading so fast.” The article discusses th ...

  6. OSUE CD Interviews

    219 Wednesday, October 18, 2017- 8:00am to 1:00pm ...

  7. Determining total emissions and environmental drivers of methane flux in a Lake Erie estuarine marsh

    Rey-Sanchez, A. C.; Morin, T. H.; Stefanik, K. C.; Wrighton, K.; Bohrer, G. 2018. Determining total emissions and environmental drivers of methane flux in a Lake Erie estuarine marsh.  Ecological Engineering  114: 7-15 ...

  8. The importance of historical land use in the maintenance of early successional habitat for a threatened rattlesnake

    McCluskey, Eric M.; Matthews, Stephen N.; Ligocki, Isaac Y.; Holding, Matthew L.; Lipps, Gregory J., Jr.; Hetherington, Thomas E. 2018. The importance of historical land use in the maintenance of early successional habitat for a threatened rattlesnake.   ...

  9. Nest predators, but not nest survival, differ between adjacent urban habitats

    Malpass, J., Rodewald, A., Matthews, S., and Kearns, L. 2018. Nest predators, but not nest survival, differ between adjacent urban habitats.  Urban Ecosystems 1-14. Stephen N. Matthews Journal article ...

  10. CO2-C evolution rate in an incubation study with straw input to soil managed by different tillage systems

    Li, X.S.; Han, H. F.; Ning, T. Y.; Lal, R. 2018. CO2-C evolution rate in an incubation study with straw input to soil managed by different tillage systems.  RSC ADVANCES, 8 (23):12588-12596. Rattan Lal Journal article ...
