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EPN August 2016 Breakfast
Trisha Clark, Program Manager, OSU Chadwick Arboretum and Learning Gardens. Lush green lawns may look ...
Stream food web d13C and geomorphology tightly coupled in mountain drainages of northern Idaho.
Sullivan, S.M.P. 2013. Stream food web d13C and geomorphology tightly coupled in mountain drainages of northern Idaho. Freshwater Science (formerly JNABS) 32: 606-621. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...
A multitaxonomic approach to understanding local- versus watershed-scale influences on stream biota in the Lake Champlain Basin, Vermont.
Cianfrani, C.M., Sullivan, S.M.P., Hession, C.W., and M.C. Watzin. 2012. A multitaxonomic approach to understanding local- versus watershed-scale influences on stream biota in the Lake Champlain Basin, Vermont. River Research and Applications 28: 973-98 ...
Using a process-based watershed-scale model for enhancing field-based stream assessments and predicting stream fish assemblages.
Kautza, A. and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2012. Using a process-based watershed-scale model for enhancing field-based stream assessments and predicting stream fish assemblages. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 22: 511-525. Mažeika Sullivan J ...
Geomorphic-biotic relationships highly variable between headwater and network mountain streams of northern Idaho, USA.
Sullivan, S.M.P. 2012. Geomorphic-biotic relationships highly variable between headwater and network mountain streams of northern Idaho, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 48: 1221-1232. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...
Special Seminar- Global Climate Change and Soil Microbiome
Extreme Climate: Soil Microbiome Responses to Fluctuating Moisture from Pore-to Core Scales Dr. Taniya Roy Chowdhury Environ. Environ. Sci. & Tech. Department University of Maryland SENR Alumnus! A major challenge in soil microbial ecology is to predi ...
Riparian swallows as integrators of landscape change in a multiuse river system: implications for aquatic-to-terrestrial transfers of contaminants.
Alberts, J.M., Sullivan, S.M.P. and *A. Kautza. 2013. Riparian swallows as integrators of landscape change in a multiuse river system: implications for aquatic-to-terrestrial transfers of contaminants. Science of the Total Environment 463-464: 42-50. Ma ...
Bright lights, big city: influences of ecological light pollution on reciprocal stream-riparian invertebrate fluxes.
Meyer, L.A., and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2013. Bright lights, big city: influences of ecological light pollution on reciprocal stream-riparian invertebrate fluxes. Ecological Applications 23: 1322-1330. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...
Pathways and consequences of contaminant flux to Acadian Flycatchers (Empidonax virescens) in urbanizing landscapes of Ohio, USA.
Rowse, L., A.D. Rodewald, and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2014. Pathways and consequences of contaminant flux to Acadian Flycatchers (Empidonax virescens) in urbanizing landscapes of Ohio, USA. Science of the Total Environment 485-486: 461-467. Mažeika Sullivan ...
Shifts along agricultural-forest transitions of two streams in central Ohio, USA.
Goss, C.W., P.C. Goebel, and S.M.P. Sullivan. 2014. Shifts along agricultural-forest transitions of two streams in central Ohio, USA. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 197: 106-117. Mažeika Sullivan Journal article ...