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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Workshop for Integrated Carnivore-- Livestock Management

    The Workshop for Integrated Carnivore-- Livestock Management will be held in the Thompson Library. This workshop is sponsored by the Discovery Theme Initiative for Fiod and AgriCultural Transformation from the Linkage and Leverage Grant for Balancing Meat ...

  2. OSU Closed

    219 Monday, July 4, 2016 (All day) ...

  3. Voices From The Field Brown Bag Series

    The Global Water Institute and the Center for African Studies announce a new informal lunchtime forum to highlight the work of Ohio State faculty who have had significant experience working in Africa. The series is intended to provide networking opportuni ...

  4. Voices From The Field Brown Bag Series

    The Global Water Institute and the Center for African Studies announce a new informal lunchtime forum to highlight the work of Ohio State faculty who have had significant experience working in Africa. The series is intended to provide networking opportuni ...

  5. Attitudes toward predator control in the United States: 1995 and 2014

    Slagle, Kristina, Jeremy T. Bruskotter, Ajay S. Singh and Robert H. Schmidt. 2017. Attitudes toward predator control in the United States: 1995 and 2014. Journal of Mammalogy 98(1):7-16. Kristina Slagle, PhD Jeremy T. Bruskotter Journal article Thursday, ...

  6. Hexion Inc.

    Name: Anne Dietrich Internship: Hexion Inc. What was this internship like? Hexion is a chemical company that makes oil additives, wind turbine resin, automotive chemicals, and other chemicals. It is very diverse, and the internship involved working on a s ...

  7. Normativity in Reasoning

    The OSU Center for Ethics and Human Values welcomes John Broome, White's Professor of Moral ...

  8. Northwest Ohio Woodland Workshop

    This workshop is for woodland owners wanting to explore a broad range of topics than concern the woodland they own.  Learn about the importance of tree diversity, test your tree id skills and learn about the good and the bad when it comes to wildlife.  Se ...

  9. New Voices in Energy Impacts Research: Graduate Research Highlights

    New Voices in Energy Impacts Research: Graduate Research Highlights  is the third webinar in’s 2016-2017 webinar series.  This webinar will highlight cutting-edge social science research on the impacts of energy development from current ...

  10. Species-specific effects of turbidity on the physiology of imperiled blackline shiners Notropis spp. in the Laurentian Great Lakes

    Gray, S.M., L.H. McDonnell, N.E. Mandrak and L.J. Chapman. 2016. Species-specific effects of turbidity on the physiology of imperiled blackline shiners Notropis spp. in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Endangered Species Research 31:271-277. Suzanne Gray Journ ...
