CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Voices from the Field: A Brownbag Speaker Series with Richard Dick

    The Global Water Institute and the Center for African Studies announce a new informal lunchtime forum to highlight the work of Ohio State faculty who have had significant experience working in Africa. The series is intended to provide networking opportuni ...

  2. Structural Differences in Community Garden Design and Impacts on Perceived Impacts of Programming

    A Honors Thesis Presentation will be held by Dustin Kitchen. He will present "Structural Differences in Community Garden Design and Impacts on Perceived Impacts of Programming" in 245 Kottman Hall. ...

  3. The Design and Construction of an Axenic Systems, and the Survival, Growth, and Baseline Bacterial Load of the Rearing Environment, Food Source, and Internal Microbiota of a Larval Cichlid Fish

    A Honors Thesis Presentation will be held by Jeffry T. Hayes, Forestry, Fishesier, and Wildlife major. He will present "The Design and Construction of an Axenic Systems, and the Survival, Growth, and Baseline Bacterial Load of the Rearing Environment ...

  4. Michael Graziano's Graduate Defense Seminar

    An Environment and Natural Resources Graduate Defense Seminar will be held in 333 Kottman Hall by Michael Paul Graziano, PhD in Ecological Restoration. His presentation will be "The Role of Forest Composition on Pool-breeding Amphibians: Colonization ...

  5. Exploring the Potential of Home Gardening to Increase Food Access and Enhance Community Development in Low-income Neighborhoods

    A Honors Thesis Presentation will be held by Mara Momenee, Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability major. She will present "Exploring the Potential of Home Gardening to Increase Food Access and Enhance Community Development in Low-incom ...

  6. OSU Alumni Magazine highlights SENR Faculty Research

    Dr. Stan Gehrt's research on urban coyotes is featured in the most recent edition of the  OSU Alumni Society Magazine.   ...

  7. Salary Negotiation Workshop on Equal Pay

    Do you want to gain the confidence, knowledge and skills needed to negotiate for fair and realistic compensation? Attend the Salary Negotiation workshop on April 4, 2017. This workshop will be facilitated by Jacqui Hoke of Career Counseling and Support Se ...

  8. SENR Autumn 2014 Seminar Series

    seminar is co-sponsored by the OSU Center for Latin American Studies. The SENR Seminar begins at 4:10 p.m ...

  9. ENR Senior Capstone Fair

    Are you a a student in Env Sci, EPDM, FFW, or NRM planning to graduate during the 2017-2018 academic year? Then you should be planning to take the Senior Capstone course: ENR 4900.01 or 4900.02. This year, there is a new rule regarding enrolling in Capsto ...

  10. CFAES Celebration of Students

    Faculty and staff are invited to join CFAES students Thursday, April 6 for the 64th CFAES Celebration of Students (formerly known as the CFAES Recognition Program)! Let’s tell our CFAES story together! ...
