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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Scholarship winner attends Women in Ag summit

    A student from the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences was the first Ohio State student to apply and be awarded a scholarship for the Women in Agribusiness Summit. In the photo are Sandra Velleman, professor of animal sciences based ...

  2. Internationally Renowned Horticulturist to Visit Chadwick Arboretum

    (614) 688-3479 or e-mail Candace Pollock Mary Maloney False False False False True ...

  3. Asiatic Garden Beetle Causing Damage to Ohio Corn

    northern Ohio farmers, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist said. Some growers have reported ...

  4. Growing Numbers of Insects in Ohio Could Cause a Stink for Soybean Growers

    the Buckeye State, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist said. Growers are being advised to ...

  5. Ohio State ranks 25th in list of world's most innovative universities

    According to a  Thomson Reuter's  study, The Ohio State University ranks 25th worldwide in innovation. The rankings are based on the universities’ published research, as well as on the quantity, impact and reach of their patenting activity. "Not ...

  6. OSU Students in Borlaug Summer Institute

    Godwill Chewachong, Matthew Kost and Brian Pace were among 35 graduate students selected from across the U.S. to participate in the Borlaug Summer Institute on Global Food Security at Purdue University, May 28-June 8, 2013. Chewachong is a Plant Pathology ...

  7. Professional Societies and Conferences

    top essay among the three fields receives a $250 grand prize. Agricultural and Extension Education ... Agriculture: Opportunities for undergraduate research presentations. National Association of Extension 4-H ...

  8. Northern Corn Leaf Blight Becoming ‘Concerning’ Disease Issue

    who is also a plant pathology specialist with Ohio State University Extension. “Every single year ...

  9. Extension Promotion and Tenure Committee fall meeting


  10. Extension Administrative and Professional Committee spring meeting

    Committee will meet on June 21 and 22. ...
