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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. 4-H News and Notes: February 26, 2016

    Summer jobs at 4-H Camps, State Fair Scholarship Applications Due, Collegiate 4-H Invites You to Plowboy Prom, Activity Fee Scholarship Applications, Beef Expo, State Fair Band and Choir Applications, and many more updates. ...

  2. Extension Administration

    2120 Fyffe Road Room 3 Ag Admin Bldg Columbus Ohio 43210 614-292-6181 614-688-3807 Statewide Office ...

  3. Honey Bee Foraging in Ohio's Landscapes- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  4. What "Newbees" Need to Know- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  5. Royal Jelly and Queen Development: a Chemical Perspective- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  6. Effect of Tank-mix Pesticide Combinations on Bees- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  7. Social Insects: an Overview- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  8. American Foul Brood- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  9. Gardening for Pollinators- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17:  Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...

  10. Honey Bee Nutrition- Beekeeping Webinar

    Brood Jim Tew, Alabama Cooperative Extension Service June 17: Social Insects: an Overview Joe ...
