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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Dairy Feed Bunk and Water Trough Management

    from dairy Extension specialists at the University of Kentucky that focused on feed bunk and water ...

  2. Capacity Funding

    20, 2013 by the ECOP Budget and Legislative Committee. In 2014, Cooperative Extension (Extension ... Extension. … Extension translates science for practical applications; engages with the public by providing ...

  3. Drip Irrigation Demo and Education Unit Grand Opening at OSU South Centers

    grand opening, tours will be conducted by OSU Extension and OIAI specialists. There is no cost to ... Registration for the Pumpkin Twilight Tour is $5. Brad Bergefurd, an OSU Extension horticulturist, said the ... Oct. 16 at 5 p.m. at OSU South Centers, located at 1864 Shyville Rd., in Piketon. The purpose of the ...

  4. Effects from Sandy Could Delay Harvest and Impact Corn Yields

    OSU Extension agronomist. And the heavy winds may have caused corn plants to blow over and break ears, ... the drought, an Ohio State University Extension expert said. The concern is that the overly wet soils ...

  5. Chow Line: Yogurt: It's the 'whey' to go (for 9/8/02)

    43210-1044, or Editor: This column was reviewed by Valente Alvarez, dairy foods specialist ... for Ohio State University Extension and associate professor of food science and technology. Martha ...

  6. Chow Line: Wash those fruits and veggies (for 5/26/02)

    43210-1044, or Editor: This column was reviewed by Jaime Ackerman, nutrition educator and ... Ohio State University Extension associate in the College of Human Ecology. Martha Filipic Jaime ...

  7. Chow Line: Vegetarian teens might eat better (for 6/16/02)

    Columbus, OH 43210-1044, or Editor: This column was reviewed by Jaime Ackerman, ... registered dietitian and Ohio State University Extension nutrition associate in the College of Human Ecology. ...

  8. Microwave Method to Determine Forage Moisture Content

    forage moisture.   A recent issue of the OSU Extension Beef Cattle Letter included the following ...

  9. Ohio State Plant Pathologist Recognized for Work on Fruit Crops

    assistant professor at the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. OARDC and OSU Extension are part of ... the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) and Ohio State University Extension ... “comprehensive, innovative and highly effective mission-oriented research and extension programming for fruit ...

  10. Wayne County Extension offers programs for fall

    Check out all of the programing happening the rest of the year. Click here to view the flyer! ...
