CFAES Give Today
News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Autumn 2015 SENR Seminar Special Event

    Oberline College/Cleveland Foundation, Albert Cho, Xylem, Inc. and Elena Irwin, OSU AEDE who will discuss ...

  2. ​​​​​​​On WOSU: Faculty member joins lawsuit to overturn directive

    Robyn Wilson, associate professor of risk analysis and decision science at The Ohio State University has joined a lawsuit to overturn a new directive from EPA’s director Scott Pruitt that forbids any scientist with EPA funding from serving on the EPA’s Sc ...

  3. ORWRP Facilities Use Guidelines

    Research Park Office at (614) 292-9774 or email at       ...

  4. Food System Seminar- Building a Career in Food Systems Research and Practice

    Kate Clancy Building a Career in Food Systems Research and Practice The science, expertise, and collaborations among scientists involved with sustainable agriculture and sustainable food systems has evolved over the past few decades, along with changes an ...

  5. CFAES and Departmental Scholarships Deadline

    Accepting CFAES and Departmental Scholarship Applications. Deadline is February 15, 2018. More information and application available here- ...

  6. Ohio State Experts to Model Life in a Deglobalized World

    What would trade wars mean for food, energy and water systems in the Great Lakes Region?  This is one of the questions a team of experts from The Ohio State University will address in a new National Science Foundation grant from the Innovations at the Nex ...

  7. Certification Opportunities

    opportunity info ...

  8. Specializations

    EXPLORE AREAS TO PURSUE: Click on a Specialization to view information about it   ...

  9. Free Wilds Science Symposium

    Keynote Speaker: Nicole Cavender- Vice President of Science and Conservation at The Morton Arboretum; previous Director of Restoration Ecology. TOPICS: Grassland Birds, Pollinators, Praries, Salamanders, eDNA RSVP to by March 20th ...

  10. Panel on Ecosystems Services Announced

    Two School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) faculty members will serve on a university panel on Ecosystem Services. In November 2015, university leaders at The Ohio State University accepted a comprehensive set of sustainability goals developed ...
