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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Graduate Exit Seminar- Alicia Brunner

    Alicia Brunner will present "The Winter Ecology and Response to Environmental Change of a Neotropical Migratory Songbird: the Swainson’sWarbler (Limnothlypisswainsoni i)" at 10:00 A.M. on Monday, April 23rd in Kottman Hall room 245. "The im ...

  2. 60th Annual CFAES Banquet Celebrates Undergraduate Achievement

    seniors, which honors those who have actively promoted their College/School and University by extensive ...

  3. SENR Undergraduates Present Research at OSU Forum

    their research with the OSU and wider community and recognizes the important research contributions ...

  4. Rebecca Swab (Wilds) Seminar- College of Public Health

    Rebecca Swab, Ph.D  Director of Restoration Ecology, the Wilds  Natives in reclamation- creating prairie habitat on marginal landscapes  Surface mining for coal represents one of the most severe anthropogenic disturbances in the United States, and has aff ...

  5. Graduate Exit Seminar- Matthew Barnett

    Matthew Barnett will be presenting  A Multilevel Analysis of Social, Built, and Natural Driversof Household Water Use in Northern Utah on   Wednesday, April 11th at 10:00am in Kottman Hall room 385. Communities across the American West are facing challeng ...

  6. COMPAS Colloquium: Food Pyramid Scheme with Christopher Carter

    Ohio State's COMPAS Program, the Methodist Theological School in Ohio, Ohio State's School of Environment and Natural Resources, and InFACT are partnering to present "Food Pyramid Scheme" with Christopher Carter, Assistant Professor of ...

  7. Graduate Exit Seminar- Chloe Turner

    Chloe Turner will present Soil Chemical Properties Dynamics in Glacial Moraines Across a Chronosequence: Breiðamerkurjökull, Iceland  at 1:00 P.M. on Friday, April 13th in Kottman Hall room 245. The foreland of retreating glaciers are areas of newly-expos ...

  8. Graduate Exit Seminar- Colleen Hartel

    Colleen Hartel will be presenting  The Role of Wildlife Value Orientations in Framing Interactions with Wildlife Near the Home: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of Self-reported of “Problems with Wildlife  Wednesday, April 11th at 1:30pm in Kottman Hall room 460. ...

  9. COMPAS Conversation: Religion in Public Life Events

    Part of a year long series of events organized by the Center for Ethics and Human Values, the Religion COMPAS (Conversations on Morality, Politics, and Society) is hosting several upcoming events focused on religion in public life. April 12, 2018-  Scienc ...

  10. Faculty Member Surprised for Distinguished Teaching

    Suzanne Gray, an assistant professor of aquatic physiological ecology in the School of Environment and Natural Resources was paid a surprise visit this semester.  While teaching her capstone course on local and global water quality and aquatic issues on M ...
