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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Rattan Lal honored by Elsevier

    Rattan Lal, director of the Carbon Management and Sequestration Center at The Ohio State University, was honored with the Elsevier Atlas award March 31, for his journal article “Food Security in a Changing Climate,"  published in the “Ecohydrology &a ...

  2. Physiological changes and reproductive performance of Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus injected with thiamine

    Ghiasi, S., B. Falahatkar, M. Arslan and K. Dabrowski. 2017. Physiological changes and reproductive performance of Sterlet sturgeon Acipenser ruthenus injected with thiamine. Animal Reproduction Science 178:27-34. Konrad Dabrowski Journal article Tuesday, ...

  3. Evaluating the principles of wildlife conservation: a case study of wolf (Canis lupus) hunting in Michigan, United States

    Vucetich, J.A., J.T. Bruskotter, M.P. Nelson, R.O. Peterson and J.K. Bump. 2017. Evaluating the principles of wildlife conservation: a case study of wolf (Canis lupus) hunting in Michigan, United States. Journal of Mammalogy 98(1):53-64. Jeremy T. Bruskot ...

  4. Comparison and standardization of soil enzyme assay for meaningful data interpretation

    Deng, Shiping, Richard Dick, Christopher Freeman, Ellen Kandeler and Michael N. Weintraub. 2017. Comparison and standardization of soil enzyme assay for meaningful data interpretation. Journal of Microbiological Methods 133:32-34. Richard P. Dick Journal ...

  5. Review of "wolves, courts, and public policy: The children of the night return to the Northern Rocky Mountains.”

    Bruskotter, Jeremy T.  2017. Review of "wolves, courts, and public policy: The children of the night return to the Northern Rocky Mountains. ” Biological Conservation 206:224-225. Jeremy T. Bruskotter Journal article Tuesday, February 7, 2017 Terrest ...

  6. Effects of Tillage Practices and Land Use Management on Soil Aggregates and Soil Organic Carbon in the North Appalachian Region, USA

    Nath, Arun Jyoti and Rattan Lal. 2017. Effects of tillage practices and land use management on soil aggregates and soil organic carbon in the North Appalachian Region, USA. Pedosphere 27(1):172-176. Rattan Lal Journal article Tuesday, February 7, 2017 ...

  7. Species-dependent effects of bird feeders on nest predators and nest survival of urban American Robins and Northern Cardinals

    Malpass, Jennifer S., Amanda D. Rodewald and Stephen N. Matthews. 2017. Species-dependent effects of bird feeders on nest predators and nest survival of urban American Robins and Northern Cardinals. CONDOR 119(1):1-16. Stephen N. Matthews Journal article ...

  8. Brown Bag: Culture, Agriculture And Shrubs

    On April 5, Professor Richard Dick will discuss over 15 years of research he has led in the Sahel on optimized systems of G. senegalensis and P. reticulatum that have resulted in many intriguing benefits and mechanisms in relation to remediation of degrad ...

  9. The Long-term Consequences of Deer Browse in Temperate and Boreal Forests

    An Honors Thesis Presentation will be given by Samuel Reed. He will present "The Long-term Consequences of Deer Browse in Temperate and Boreal Forests" in 112 Kottman Hall. ...

  10. James Dunn's Graduate Defense Seminar

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by James Dunn, MS candidate in Environmental Microbiology. He will present "Evolution and Functional Analysis of Hematite Binding Peptides" in 370 Kottman Hall. ...
