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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. OSU Extension Expert: Cold Weather Increases Livestock Energy Needs

    University Extension educator said. Cold temperatures, cold rains and muddy conditions can significantly ... body temperature, said Rory Lewandowski, an agricultural and natural resources educator for OSU ... Extension. But those animals that have less body condition and less body fat as a result of grazing on ...

  2. Green-up marks the time to apply nitrogen in winter wheat

    apply spring nitrogen, an Ohio State University Extension educator says. Spring nitrogen should be ... enough after application of urea products." This is a concern, he said, considering that OSU ... Extension research has shown volatilization losses may contribute to a yield loss of 10 bushels per acre ...

  3. Crop Growers Still Have Time to Switch to Corn if Alfalfa Stands Don’t Meet Production Criteria

    for OSU Extension.   In fact, growers still have time to plant corn for silage if they determine after ... criteria, an Ohio State University Extension educator said.   Thanks to warmer, drier conditions this year, ...

  4. OARDC Rose Garden to Hold Open House June 9

    more information, call 330-263-3612 or e-mail OARDC is the research arm of Ohio ...

  5. NAE4-HA New Extension Professional Webinars – Expanding Your Professionals Development with NAE4-HA

    Abstract: This webinar will provide you with a better understanding of professional development opportunities available to all association members. These include virtual professional development webinars, journal of youth development, awards submissions a ...

  6. NAE4-HA New Extension Professional Webinars – NAE4-HA: What are the Benefits

    Abstract:  Why should i join NAE4-HA? What are the benefits of being a member? Will this really help me in my career? Are these some of the questions that are running through your head regarding NAE4-HA membership? We understand and have been there before ...

  7. Applying Your Strengths @ Work Workshop

    of the OSU Leadership Center for this workshop. Visit for more ...

  8. Employers on Campus (EOC)

    the United States and worldwide. Through our extensive global distribution facilities and ...

  9. Extension Administrative Cabinet meeting


  10. Extension Administrative Cabinet meeting

