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News Releases Archive (Prior to 2011)

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences



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  1. Smart Stuff with Twig Walkingstick: Grazing cattle (for the week of Aug. 19, 2001)

    44691, (330) 263-3776, Hey Editor! Steve Loerch, professor, Department of Animal ...

  2. Managing Soybean Seed Supply When Quality Comes into Question

    have more seed rot and seedling disease." Dorrance and OSU Extension soybean agronomist Jim ... will swell and split," said Dorrance, who also holds an Ohio State University Extension ...

  3. Researchers Exploring Ways to Convert Manure Gas into Fertilizer

    ammonia were emitted into the air," said project director Lingying Zhao, an OSU Extension specialist ... is part of USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service air quality ...

  4. Video View: BUILDING OHIO STATE, Final Chapter!

    The exhibit Building Ohio State: From Forest to the Renovation of the Thompson Library, which examines the shared history of Ohio's forests and The Ohio State University, runs through May 14 at the library. A three-part video chronicles the exhibit. ...

  5. August 2017


  6. Got Water? Crop Thirst Depends on Soil Type The database provides detailed soil information, including the available water capacity of every ...

  7. Dairy Producers Should Consider ‘Precision’ Diets to Maximize Profits

    tailor diets to maximize productivity and profitability, according to one Ohio State University Extension ... expert. “There are two things to manage: feed costs and milk prices,” said Extension Dairy Specialist ...

  8. Biodiesel Byproduct May Be Used As Value-Added Ag Commodity

    Yu. If that portion of the project is successful, OSU Extension dairy specialist Maurice Eastridge ...

  9. Heat Stress Impacts Not Just Plants

    Ohio State University Extension livestock specialists said during extended periods of high ... said Roger High, an Ohio State Extension sheep specialist, "it's not just the management of ... farrow," said Don Levis, an Ohio State Extension swine specialist. "Heat stress the last two weeks of ...

  10. New pilot plant donations enhance food industry research, learning and commercial enterprise

    Eventually, anyone who eats food produced in Ohio may see-- or taste-- the benefits of some recent equipment donated to The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences. In addition to a new teaching tool for food scienc ...
