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Mapping farmer identity: Why, how, and what does it tell us?
Groth, Theresa M. and Allan Curtis. 2017. Mapping farmer identity: Why, how, and what does it tell us? Australian Geographer 48(3):365-383. Journal article Friday, January 27, 2017 ...
US Land-grant universities in India: Assessing the consequences of agricultural partnership, 1952-1972
Mehta, Simi, Rattan Lal and David Hansen. 2017. US Land-grant universities in India: Assessing the consequences of agricultural partnership, 1952-1972. International Journal of Educational Development 53:58-70. Rattan Lal Journal article Friday, March 17, ...
Influence of sesbania brown manuring and rice residue mulch on soil health, weeds and system productivity of conservation rice-wheat systems
Nawaz, A., M. Farooq, R. Lal, A. Rehman, T. Hussain and A. Nadeem. 2017. Influence of sesbania brown manuring and rice residue mulch on soil health, weeds and system productivity of conservation rice-wheat systems. Land Degradation and Development 28(3):1 ...
You are what you drive: Environmentalist and social innovator symbolism drives electric vehicle adoption intentions
White, Lee V. and Nicole D. Sintov. 2017. You are what you drive: Environmentalist and social innovator symbolism drives electric vehicle adoption intentions. Transportation Research Part A-Policy and Practice 99:94-113. Nicole Sintov Journal article Frid ...
The expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha gene is not affected by low-oxygen conditions in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) juveniles
Kwasek, K., S. Rimoldi, A.G. Cattaneo, T. Parker, K. Dabrowski and G. Terova. 2017. The expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha gene is not affected by low-oxygen conditions in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) juveniles. Fish Physiology and Biochemi ...
Expert judgment and uncertainty regarding the protection of imperiled species
Heeren, Alexander, Gabriel Karns, Jeremy Bruskotter, Eric Toman, Robyn Wilson and Harmony Szarek. 2017. Expert judgment and uncertainty regarding the protection of imperiled species. Conservation Biology 31(3):657-665. Gabriel Karns Jeremy T. Bruskotter E ...
The perceived psychological distance of climate change impacts and its influence on support for adaptation policy
Singh, Ajay S., Adam Zwickle, Jeremy T. Bruskotter and Robyn Wilson. 2017. The perceived psychological distance of climate change impacts and its influence on support for adaptation policy. Environmental Science and Policy 73:9399. Jeremy T. Bruskotter Ro ...
Detecting and spotting wildlife – a School of Environment and Natural Resources Interview Series
A new School of Environment and Natural Resources series features insights and advice to help detect and spot wildlife.To kick off the series, the school caught up with Dr. Sarah Rose to learn more about how she detects and spots spiders in a variety of h ...
Deadline to Nominate OARDC Staff Awards
staff. These awards are made possible through contributions to the OSU Campus Campaign and funding from ...
Modeling soil organic carbon in corn (Zea mays L.)-based systems in Ohio under climate change
Maas, E.D.V.L., R. Lal, K. Coleman, A. Montenegro and W.A. Dick. 2017. Modeling soil organic carbon in corn (Zea mays L.)-based systems in Ohio under climate change. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 72(3):191-204. Rattan Lal Journal article Tuesday, ...